June 6, 2016

Profweb Publications to Help You Prepare for the AQPC Symposium

This text was initially published by Profweb under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licence, before Eductive was launched.

If you are like me, receiving the official program for the 2016 AQPC Symposium brings with it an invariable feeling of restlessness and enthusiasm, “what does the symposium have in store for me this year?” The description of workshops reads like a novel, but soon you are faced with the dilemma: how to choose among all of the workshops that interest me, but are being held at the same time?

Because of the attractive publicity from the AQPC and because we unfortunately cannot see everything, I have a proposition for you which combines business with pleasure. I have put together a listing of articles and real life stories that have been published on the Profweb site that are in link with several of the workshops presented at the AQPC this year. Whether it is to give you a first glance at projects that will be presented to you from June 8 to 10, or to allow you to discover those that you cannot attend, I bet that this list will allow you to prolong the symposium pleasure.

On behalf of the Profweb team, I wish you an excellent symposium! 

List of Presentations

  1. Presentations in English
    1. 209 – Creativity in the Science Classes for Deeper Understanding
    2. 406 – Ongoing Program Evaluation Revisited
    3. 712 – Bridging the Pedagogical Gap with Seaweed
  2. Presentations in French
    1. 202 – L’engagement étudiant décorTICqué en Tremplin DEC
    2. 306 – L’utilisation des outils Google pour l’éducation en Sciences, lettres et arts
    3. 307 – Des « selfies vidéo » en classe
    4. 312 – Pleins feux sur le communautaire : un site web pédagogique et multiplateforme
    5. 402 – Rendez-vous sur les classes d’apprentissage actif
    6. 409 – L’affiche scientifique : moyen de communication et exercice pédagogique
    7. 502 – Rendez-vous sur les classes d’apprentissage actif
    8. 508 – La rétroaction, traditionnelle ou technologique?
    9. 510 – Apprentissage par problèmes en physique en collaboration avec le CCDMD
    10. 606 – Amener sa classe ailleurs avec l’enseignement virtuel en équipe
    11. 618 – Des enseignants inspirants dans leur utilisation des TIC
    12. 713 – Compétence, culture, citoyenneté et technologie : l’espace
    13. 716 – La simulation politique en Web 2.0
    14. 802 – ÉDUQ, pour le libre accès aux publications du réseau collégial

Presentations in English

209 – Creativity in the Science Classes for Deeper Understanding

Jailson Lima and Rhys Adams (Vanier College).

406 – Ongoing Program Evaluation Revisited

Lee Anne Johnston (Heritage College).

712 – Bridging the Pedagogical Gap with Seaweed

Murray Bronet (John Abbott College).

Presentations in French

202 – L’engagement étudiant décorTICqué en Tremplin DEC

Séverine Parent, Dominique Thibault, Christine Veilleux and Catherine Rhéaume (Cégep Limoilou).

306 – L’utilisation des outils Google pour l’éducation en Sciences, lettres et arts

Maxime Ross, Kurt Vignola and Michel Ouellet (Cégep de Rimouski).

307 – Des « selfies vidéo » en classe

Charles Laporte (LaSalle College).

312 – Pleins feux sur le communautaire : un site web pédagogique et multiplateforme

François Régimbal (Cégep du Vieux Montréal) and Véronica Gill (Centre collégial de développement de matériel didactique).

402 and 502 – Rendez-vous sur les classes d’apprentissage actif

Bruno Poellhuber (Université de Montréal), Samuel Fournier Saint-Laurent (Collège Ahuntsic) and Louis Normand (Collège Rosemont).

  • The team of researchers looking at CLAAC (Classes d’apprentissage actif: active learning classes) was keeping a blog (in French) up to the fall of 2015 that is hosted on a Profweb Web Space.

409 – L’affiche scientifique: moyen de communication et exercice pédagogique

Lynn Lapostolle and Hélène Tardif (Association pour la recherche au collégial).

508 – La rétroaction, traditionnelle ou technologique?

Stéphanie Facchin, Patricia Guay and Denise Brodeur (Cégep à distance).

510 – Apprentissage par problèmes en physique en collaboration avec le CCDMD

Olivier Tardif-Paradis and Alexandre April (Cégep Garneau).

606 – Amener sa classe ailleurs avec l’enseignement virtuel en équipe

Isabelle Delisle and Maria Kanter (Vanier College).

  • In a Real Life Story published on Profweb, Lisa Deguire, a Teacher at Cégep de Jonquière, gives an account of her experience with virtual team teaching as well as the educational support offered by Vanier College, by means of the expertise developped by the Virtual Team Teaching Network(of which Isabelle Delisle et Maria Kanter were part of): Virtual Team Teaching is Gaining Ground in the Regions (March 2016)

618 – Des enseignants inspirants dans leur utilisation des TIC

Laura King (Cégep André-Laurendeau).

  • Laura King and her team presented the results of the first step of their research on best practices of teachers using ICTs in an artcle published on Profweb: Teachers’ Use of ICTs: What Do Students Think? (November 2015). Phase 2 of their research will be presented at AQPC Symposium!

713 – Compétence, culture, citoyenneté et technologie: l’espace

Nicole Perreault (Fédération des cégeps), Huguette Dupont (Cégep de Granby) and Caroline Villeneuve (Profweb).

716 – La simulation politique en Web 2.0

Mathieu Bélanger (Cégep régional de Lanaudière à Terrebonne) and Cyr-Marc Debien (Centre collégial de développement de matériel didactique).

802 – ÉDUQ, pour le libre accès aux publications du réseau collégial

Isabelle Laplante and Chantal Lalonde (Centre de documentation collégiale).

About the author

Andréanne Turgeon

Andréanne Turgeon was an editor with Profweb from 2014 to 2019. Subsequently, she was the organization’s coordinator until it joined Collecto. Since 2021, she has been the director of Collecto’s Digital Pedagogy Services, to which Eductive is affiliated.

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