2013-2014 VTÉ’s Labs
For the first time, Vitrine technologie-éducation (VTÉ) surveyed members of the Anglophone network about emerging technology for pedagogical use they are most interested in.
Based on this online survey, VTÉ is thrilled to announce its first 2013-2014 season VTÉ Labs program in English. For those of you who are not familiar with our laboratory concept, please visit our “How does-it work?” section.
Below, you will find the list of Labs as well as global orientations we will explore with you all along this season.
À noter que les laboratoires VTÉ se déroulent également en français. Cliquez ici pour en consulter la programmation 2013-2014.
Who are you?
Online survey respondents are mainly Teachers/Educators (78%) and Education/Learning Advisers, including ITREP (17%).
How many meetings suit you best?
For 39% of respondents, a typical Lab Experience would be three meetings. That being said, 22% refer to four meetings, and another 22% cite less than three meetings.
How many meeting frequency suits you best?
A majority of respondents (67%) brought up that they would prefer a Lab once a month, 11% refer to one every two weeks and another 11% mention once a week.
What is the best moment for you to attend?
According to the survey, 29% of respondents would prefer to attend Wednesday. Surprisingly, 20% of you prefer Friday. Finally, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday each obtained 17% of votes. Globally, you seem to prefer attending in the morning (39%) or in the afternoon (35%). Lunch time doesn’t seem to be so popular with 22% only.
What is your ideal event duration?
44% of respondents agree on one-hour duration while 33% would prefer ninety minutes per session.