Step Overview – Active Learning, Universal Learning for Learning (UDL) in collaboration with ICT
Shifting the focus from Teaching to Learning is usually an opportunity to enrich your pedagogy with Active Learning. This Vitrine technologie-éducation's (VTÉ) Lab will let you explore how to take advantage of the technology. Moreover, discover how you can also benefit a Universal Design or Learning (UDL) approach when dealing with over crowded-classroom. This laboratory will begin in February 2014 (enrollment early January on our website)
Shifting the focus from Teaching to Learning is usually an opportunity to enrich your pedagogy with Active Learning. This Vitrine technologie-éducation’s (VTÉ) laboratory will let you explore how to take advantage of the technology. Moreover, discover how you can also benefit a Universal Design or Learning (UDL) approach when dealing with over crowded-classroom. This laboratory will begin in February 2014 (enrollment early January on our website).
VTÉ Lab Objectives
This laboratory aims to discover ICT integration through Active Learning and Universal Design for Leaning shift from teaching to learning and its value as an accessibility, teaching and learning tool in higher education through experimentation. Participants will have the choice to explore these approaches actively or simply attend in order to know more about. Optional modules will complete the overview for those who would incorporate them into their course.
A wide set of partners involved
An overview