Step Use Cases for Digital Badges
Through this step, we built a set of practical principles for the appropriate use of badges based on both existing cases and work on existing situations in which badges might be beneficial.
Open Badges in Education
After exploring broad issues and concepts related to badges, we delved deeper into the diversity of contexts in which badges can be used. This work should help us build a set of practical principles for the appropriate use of badges based on both existing cases and work on existing situations in which badges might be beneficial.
Previous Lab Session
The summary of the first lab session is available, along with that session’s recording.
As was the case during the first lab session, we used a collaborative document to collect questions, comments, data, resources, thoughts, and ideas. This document can be edited by anyone who has the link, without needing any account. During the lab session, we monitored this document for questions and thoughts to be brought up with the experts. Though the live session is over, we will still maintain this document and integrate it with the rest of our work together.
The recording from the lab session appears in the box below. You need to click the black or red “Play” button to access it.
Click on or below.