November 26, 2012

2013 – Educating Our Students for Tomorrow’s Global Realities

This text was initially published by Profweb under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licence, before Eductive was launched.

Our education system’s primary mission is to educate students for the future, not for the here and now.
It is in this spirit that the AQPC (Association québécoise de pédagogie collégiale) has crafted the call for papers of its 33rd annual conference which will be held from June 4 to 6, 2013 in Montreal. Submissions for workshops are now being accepted by completing the form provided for this purpose, available on the AQPC website. The deadline for the call for papers is January 18, 2013.

IT and the AQPC Symposium

For quite some time, preparing students for tomorrow without educating them about information technology and its use has been unthinkable. Many of our students have grown up in a world where IT is omnipresent, influencing their relationships with others and with knowledge, as well as their learning strategies.

For educators, IT has opened the door to new experiences, providing powerful tools for research, collaboration and the mentoring of our students and even a new definition of the classroom.

The AQPC Symposium provides an excellent opportunity to demonstrate the innovations that colleges have used to integrate this technology. It is also a showcase for the successful use of e-learning and distance education of our students, wherever they are on our territory.

Intercultural and International

Other major components of the conference program are undoubtedly intercultural and international influences. Training students for global realities means training students from around the globe in a global setting. Globalization and internationalization are no longer abstract concepts for us. Our programs are increasingly incorporating a more international perspective. The AQPC would like to see the conference reflect globalization’s most advantageous forms, to demonstrate the contribution that we can expect from project universality, its most notable achievements and their impact on training offered here.

The intercultural issue touches upon the heterogeneity of student populations. Rubbing shoulders in our classes are students from different cultures and life experiences. Accentuating that diversity are disabled students, those with unconventional academic journeys and adults returning to school. How can we take advantage of this range of populations in our institutions and classrooms?

Finally, of course, educating our students for tomorrow’s global realities is also helping them develop as individuals and as citizens. As always, the conference will be an appropriate setting to communicate how our colleagues integrate personal growth, professional skills and a sense of responsibility into courses as well as activities outside of the classroom.

The steering committee and the three host colleges for 2013, Cégep André-Laurendeau, Dawson College and Cégep Marie-Victorin would like to receive papers from all of Quebec’s colleges as well as from its universities and other educational institutions. Quebec’s IT Network Partners and educational organizations elsewhere in Canada and in other countries are all invited to share their experiences and thoughts on these issues as well as on other items of general interest for higher education.

Don’t delay. You can now submit your workshop proposal at
or reserve a room at the Centre Sheraton.The AQPC has reserved a block of 200 rooms of which there are currently about 35 remaining.

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