October 14, 2008

A Dynamic Library for Teachers Is Just A Click Away!

Thousands of teaching-related documents on the process of learning or institutional development are a click away, available on-line at the new CDC (Centre de documentation collégiale) website. Documenting activities in the college network, the CDC has become an important part of the very activities it records.

A Specialized Library for Education

Mandated by MELS (ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport) to collect and distribute the educational heritage of the college network, the CDC is a library truly dedicated to education. Its collection focuses on teaching, the learning process and the institutional development of colleges and cégeps.

A Publicist for its Own Collection

Attentive to the needs of the network, the CDC goes beyond the usual services of a library to make the wealth of information that it possesses better known. As an example, this autumn the CDC will develop a pilot project of support for new teachers in the college network. A toolkit for class management will contain information about the basic concepts of this skill, helpful tips and links to more on-line resources. More details will be released soon!

A Catalog Filled with Resources

Moreover, the CDC offers an increasing number of unabridged versions of important texts. It distributes reports and articles promoting research funded by the PAREA program of MELS. Also, in association with the AQPC (Association québécoise de pédagogique collégiale), the CDC distributes the unabridged version of articles appearing in Pédagogie collégiale magazine and the Proceedings of this organization’s popular annual symposium. Other documents on-line are the fruits of ajoint projet with Performa to promote the research done by teachers of the network.

The library is yours to use and to build.

The CDC is here to serve you! The new website opens the CDC catalog of more than 30,000 documents to browsers from around the province and around the world. Twenty five percent of documents acquired over the last five years are in an electronic format and directly accessible on-line.

Another necessity for updating research or staying up-to-date with on-line progress is the bibliographic database. It is part of the invisible web. The CDC has negotiated a license allowing each user of the college network access to the specialized databases in education of ProQuest (CBCA Fulltext Education, ERIC Plustext and ProQuest Education Journals). A personal code will be given to any member of the network who makes an application. There are references to more than 2,000 journals available with instant access to full texts in more than 1,000 of them.

A Simple Way to Stay Informed

CDC’s RSS feeds are a great way to stay abreast of its new acquisitions. Several feeds under development at the moment include ‘New Acquisitions in Electronic Format’ and ‘New PAREA reports on IT’. Profweb also has a News from the Collegial Network section.

A Special Invitation to Enrich Our Heritage

The new CDC website has a number of interesting tutorials on a variety of topics:

  • how to research documentation;
  • how to suggest a purchase;
  • how to borrow a document or reserve it if it is already on loan;
  • and importantly, how to make a contribution!

In effect, the more you contribute to the CDC, the richer its collection and the better it will be able to respond to your needs! The library is yours to use and to build!

You are therefore cordially invited to contribute a paper copy or an electronic copy of any document or text dealing with teaching, the learning process or institutional development. Contact us to find out how!

A special invitation is addressed to authors of documents available on portals and intranets. The CDC team awaits word from you to find out about this material which is difficult to find particularly when it is hidden on your invisible Web.

Let us know how the CDC can more effectively transmit information or documentation to new teachers. Use our Comments feature to tell us!

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