April 5, 2018

Learning Together in a Changing World – 38th Annual AQPC Symposium

This text was initially published by Profweb under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licence, before Eductive was launched.

The program [in French] of the 2018 AQPC (Association québécoise de pédagogie collégiale) Symposium is now online. A summary program is also available in English. Register here!

Over 135 talks will be presented on the occasion of the AQPC symposium, held from June 6 to June 8 at the Saint-Hyacinthe Convention Center. More than 40 conference talks will focus on the use of technology in college teaching.

The Symposium’s Theme

The theme chosen for 2018, Learning Together in a Changing World, evokes the primary mission of the college network: to train and educate our students by ensuring the development of their knowledge, skills and attitudes. But the theme of the 2018 AQPC symposium also evokes what drives us on a daily basis and characterizes us as teachers, professionals and managers of the college network: learning from each other to renew our practices and our passion, especially in contexts that evolve rapidly.

Activities on Digital Pedagogy

Looking through the synoptic table containing all communications, you will notice the extent of ICT presence. Among others:

  • A thematic meeting on Digital Pedagogy (Workshops 214-314), inspired by the Featured Report on Classroom Management in the Digital Age published in 3 parts on Profweb [part 3 will be available in English later in the Winter 2018 semester; until then, feel free to consult it in French]
  • A major conference on digital pedagogy (Workshop 301), delivered by Sharon Coyle in English and entitled Chalk to Docs: Learning Together in a Techno-Pedagogical World

Keynote Talks

Marc Romainville from the University of Namur in Belgium will deliver the opening speech: Les défis de l’éducation au XXIe siècle. Comment, ensemble, enseigner aux jeunes à vivre dans un monde incertain? [The challenges of education in the 21st century. How, together, can we teach young people to live in an uncertain world?]

In addition to Sharon Coyle’s digital pedagogy conference, other major conferences are:

  • Georges Leroux: Diversité et pluralisme. Les enjeux de la formation collégiale [Diversity and Pluralism. The Stakes of College Education]
  • Jocelyn Bérard: Intelligence naturelle dans un monde d’intelligence artificielle [Natural Intelligence in a World of Artificial Intelligence]● Jean-François Martin: Quand la pédagogie sort des sentiers battus [When Pedagogy Goes off the Beaten Path]

The closing conference, Enjeux et compétences dans un monde en mouvement [Issues and Skills in a Changing World], will provide an opportunity to exchange on the challenges of the college network to meet the needs of this ever-changing world. Alain Gosselin, professor at HEC Montréal, will first present the issues and skills of a moving world. Then, Bernard Tremblay, President of the Fédération des Cégeps, and France Côté, renowned expert of the college network, expert in competency-based assessment, author, and assistant director of studies at Cégep Marie-Victorin, will respond to his observations. The exchanges will be led by David Goudreault, who has worked as a college professional and is a well-known author and slam poet.

Several Presentations in English or Offered with Simultaneous InterpretationThe AQPC will offer simultaneous interpretation from French to English and from English to French for several major conferences, including opening and closing conferences.In addition, 12 presentations will be will be given in English. The list can be found in the Summary Program.

Celebrating Expertise: the AQPC Honourable Mention

Although the AQPC symposium is primarily an opportunity to share expertise, it is also a time to celebrate this expertise. All delegates are invited to attend the AQPC Honourable Mention Award Ceremony and the Annual Banquet.

Socializing… and Discovering the Cultural Attractions and Gastronomy of the Montérégie Region

The AQPC invites delegates to take advantage of the many social activities developed by colleagues from the host college, Cégep de Saint-Hyacinthe. These activities will help discover this part of Montérégie, Quebec’s agri-food hub.

Register as of Now!

Consult the program [in French] and register on the AQPC website. The printed version of the program will be delivered to colleges in early April 2018. As of now, you can prepare your personal schedule and mark Wednesday, June 6 to Friday, June 8 on your calendar. All presentations will be held at the Saint-Hyacinthe Convention Center.For more information on the symposium and accommodation options, visit the AQPC website.

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