May 31, 2017

Read and Explore Exciting Projects in Time for the AQPC’s 37th Symposium

This text was initially published by Profweb under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licence, before Eductive was launched.

The countdown has started: only a few days left before the annual AQPC Symposium! As a flagship event in the college network, the symposium is an opportunity for several teachers, pedagogical counsellors and contributors to present their projects and research or to share their practical experience. For others, it is about discovering and encouraging the innovation of their colleagues while enriching their professional practice.

Profweb actively promotes the techno-pedagogical achievements of teachers in the college network. Our team will also be hosting a round table entitled Profweb, pour valoriser les innovations technopédagogiques (#616), during which we will illustrate the teachers’ legacy of integrating ICTs through our publications over the past 12 years.

Did you know that several presenters at the symposium also published a Real Life Story or an Article on Profweb’s website this year? Several of them are available in English. The following list will allow you to discover other exciting projects, in addition to those you will have the pleasure of discovering at the 2017 Symposium!

List of Presentations

  1. Presentations in English
    1. # 718 – Narrative, Videogames and Learning.
    2. # 804 – The Research Competition Website: Democratizing the Classroom through Multidisciplinary Role-Play Scenarios.
  2. Presentations in French
    1. # 211 – Apprentissage par problèmes en Sciences de la nature: une collaboration avec le CCDMD.
    2. # 313 – Jeux de simulation en accompagnement pédagogique.
    3. # 316 – Processus et ressources pour évaluer les compétences.
    4. # 412 – Correction, rétroaction, évaluation: pratiques inspirantes et outils sympaTIC.
    5. # 506 – Le développement professionnel des enseignants du collégial.
    6. # 507 – Stylo intelligent (Smartpen), tablettes et portables dans nos salles de classe.
    7. # 608 – Capsules « orientantes » en Sciences de la nature.
    8. # 612 – Explorer Mars pour faciliter l’enseignement et l’apprentissage du concept de vecteur.
    9. # 807 – Formule Math, des outils pour une classe inversée et un apprentissage actif.

Presentations in English

# 718 – Narrative, Videogames and Learning.
Pascale Warmoes and Johnathan Mina, LaSalle College.
Real Life Story: Using Videogames to Engage Students in Deeper Learning Experiences (May 2017).
# 804 – The Research Competition Website: Democratizing the Classroom through Multidisciplinary Role-Play Scenarios.
Lynda Gelston, John Abbott College.
Article: Deeper Learning in Social Science Research Methods: A New Role-Playing Activity Website is Launched (March 2017).

Presentations in French

# 211 – Apprentissage par problèmes en Sciences de la nature: une collaboration avec le CCDMD.
Olivier Tardif-Paradis and Mathieu Riopel, Centre de démonstration en sciences physiques, Cégep Garneau.
Article: 20 New Problems for the Website: Problem-Based Learning for College Physics (March 2017).
# 313 – Jeux de simulation en accompagnement pédagogique.
Michel Cloutier, Cégep de Drummondville and Martine St-Germain, Cégep de l’Outaouais.
Digital Tool: Contigo, le jeu sérieux qui vous accompagne… dans votre accompagnement! (January 2017).
# 316 – Processus et ressources pour évaluer les compétences.
Julie Lyne Leroux, Université de Sherbrooke and Sophie Ringuet, Cégep à distance.
Digital Tool: L’outil réseau Processus d’évaluation des compétences à distance: des ressources pour les enseignants du collégial(November 2016).
# 412 – Correction, rétroaction, évaluation: pratiques inspirantes et outils sympaTIC.
Huguette Dupont, Cégep de Granby and Andréanne Turgeon, Profweb.
In-depth Report: Correction, Feedback and Evaluation: Inspiring Practices and AddICTive Tools(April 2017).
# 506 – Le développement professionnel des enseignants du collégial.
Michelle Deschênes, Collège O’Sullivan de Québec.
Article: L’agentivité au service du développement professionnel(October 2016).
# 507 – Stylo intelligent (Smartpen), tablettes et portables dans nos salles de classe.
Johnathan Mina and Pascale Warmoes, LaSalle College.
Real Life Story: Using Smartpens to Promote Deeper Learning(September 2016).

This comic strip was meant to reduce an ethical approach to its most basic element so that anyone of any age could understand it. In this video, you’ll hear students experimenting with the voice feature of the LiveScribe.

# 608 – Capsules « orientantes » en Sciences de la nature.
Nathalie Sirois and Marie-Christine Bélanger, Collège Shawinigan.
Real Life Story: Une trentaine de capsules pour favoriser une approche orientante en Sciences de la nature, in collaboration with Martin Lachapelle from Collège de Maisonneuve (November 2016).
# 612 – Explorer Mars pour faciliter l’enseignement et l’apprentissage du concept de vecteur.
Alexandre Beausoleil and Éric Laflamme, Cégep Édouard-Montpetit.
Digital Tool: Un nouveau jeu sérieux sur Modappi pour maîtriser les vecteurs. Bienvenue sur Mars! (January 2017).
# 807 – Formule Math, des outils pour une classe inversée et un apprentissage actif.
Nicolas Arsenault, Collège de Maisonneuve.
Real Life Story: Inverser son cours de mathématiques pour impliquer au maximum les étudiants en classe (May 2017).

About the author

Andréanne Turgeon

Andréanne Turgeon was an editor with Profweb from 2014 to 2019. Subsequently, she was the organization’s coordinator until it joined Collecto. Since 2021, she has been the director of Collecto’s Digital Pedagogy Services, to which Eductive is affiliated.

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