March 20, 2012

At the Heart of Teaching – The ACPQ’s Pedagogical Workshops for 2012

This text was initially published by Profweb under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licence, before Eductive was launched.

The pedagogical workshops of the ACPQ (Association des collèges privés du Québec) annually attract approximately 200 professors, executives and non-teaching staff from Quebec’s network of subsidized private colleges.

Last year, the participants focused on new educational approaches and the reasons why teachers teach outside the box. About a quarter of the activities focused on IT integration in colleges which included, among others:

This year, the pedagogical workshops will be held on May 28 and 29 at the Chateau Mont Sainte-Anne in Beaupre and will be hosted by O’Sullivan College of Montréal and O’Sullivan College of Quebec City. The organizing committee has chosen the theme: At the Heart of Teaching.

The opening address will be delivered by Bernard Dionne, author of Guide méthodologique pour les études et la recherche (The Methodological Guide for Study and Research), a text which has been widely used in the college network for over 25 years. Active learning’s place at the heart of teaching will be discussed.

In the 40 workshops, participants will have the opportunity to share their methodology supporting the acquisition of critical thinking, as well as the development of expertise and attitudes that serve students in their personal, professional and social lives. Workshops will deal with the following topics:

The workshops will conclude with a roundtable that will allow students from five of the colleges in the private network to present their vision of the heart of teaching.

In addition to participating at the trade show to be held on Monday, May 28, Profweb will present two workshops: Profweb au cœur de l’intégration des TIC with Joelle Martin and Emily Lavery, and Information Technology at the Heart of Teaching with Norman Spatz.

The pedagogical workshops program will be published in mid-March. All teachers who are ACPQ members are invited to visit the website of the association for details and to send us comments and suggestions via Profweb’s comments feature below.

For more information, contact Jean-Pierre Goulet, Coordinator of Educational Workshops 2012 ACPQ by phone at (450) 589-6029 or at

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