April 11, 2013

Code of Ethics

Confidentiality Policy

In order to respect personal information (see the Quebec Act respecting access to documents held by public bodies and the Protection of personal information) the people in charge of VTÉ declare that they do not use or transmit personal data that could potentially be collected, except for statistical purposes or for the technical operation of the site (forum, articles, etc.). This information cannot be used in commercial files or shared with a third party without the explicit permission of the person concerned.

The following information is also legally collected :

  • The domain name
  • The IP address
  • The browsers used
  • The operating system
  • Provenance, date, and time
  • Pages viewed
  • The words used in the search panel


Vitrine technologie-éducation asks its users to behave in a courteous and respectful manner.

The Vitrine reminds you that under copyright law, it is prohibited to reproduce the content produced by others without citing sources. It may also be necessary to obtain permission from the copyright holder prior to reproducing a document.

Material that is offensive, libelous, or that incites hatred is strictly prohibited.

Creative Commons

The content of an article, message, comment, or any intervention on the VTÉ site must be of a personal and non-commercial nature.

Vitrine technologie-éducation is in no case responsible for the content of external Web sites cited on its site.

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