March 5, 2009

Connectivism: a Learning Theory for the Digital Age

This text was initially published by Profweb under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licence, before Eductive was launched.

More and more, our learning is affected by technology and societal changes. In this podcast, George Siemens, a Canadian educator and writer, explains this phenomenon using the concepts of connectivism and learning ecologies.

I called George at the University of Manitoba where he teaches, did the phone interview computer-to-computer with Skype(no long distance fees), recorded the call with CallGraph and edited the interview with Audacity. All three applications are free and open-source.

La Vitrine Technologie-Éducation‘s mission is to promote and provide support for teachers and educational advisors in the integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Quebec’s college network. We produce a bi-weekly newsletter which highlights the latest innovations in the field of ICT and learning.

After listening to the podcast, could you tell us:

  • What you think of its content and
  • If our presentation helped you to understand the concepts of connectivism and learning ecologies.

Please use the Comments section below to leave your answers.

Click on the arrow in the lighthouse image to listen to the podcast. While you’re listening, you can click on the links below to view George Siemens’ articles.

Diagram by George Siemens depicting Connectivism – source:

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