January 29, 2008

Everything That You Always Wanted To Know… through NetSondage!

Imagine software that meets the needs of every prof, every professional in the network and even all the administrators! In my fifteen years at CCDMD, I never would have believed possible a product that answered needs throughout the network — until now. If the number of requests that I am receiving daily for the last few weeks is any indication, the CCDMD is in the final stages of development of a product that is going to make a lot of people happy.

By now, you must have already guessed that I am talking about NetSondage. Soon, you will be able to create online surveys and questionnaires in minutes.

A Brief Overview

NetSondage is a software tool which allows the user to rapidly build an on-line questionnaire. Netquiz Pro users will recognize similarities between that product and this one, and should be able to transfer their skills. NetSondage has the same operating principles involving the creation of a bank of questions which in a single click are inserted into code which enables posting to an on-line server.

Types of Questions

The software can produce 9 question types (linking, multiple choice, Likert scale, semantic scale, dropdown list, arrangement in order, multiple response, short answer and long answer). This variety encourages the development of diverse and efficient questionnaires.

NetSondage has another extremely interesting feature for authors of questionnaires — conditional posting. Questions appear one after the other on the Internet until a page break is inserted. The page break allows the question following to appear only if certain conditions are met in earlier answers. Questionnaires can then contain several series of alternate questions which are determined by earlier responses.

Response Management

The response manager saves results and allows author access in a form transferable to an Excel file for detailed statistical analysis more elaborate than the basic operation possible in the initial database (average, standard deviation, etc.).

So there you have it, a quick look at a tool that will become without a doubt an academic essential. The development of the resource was made possible by the same team that developed Netquiz Pro, Lucie Trépanier and Jean-François Vaillancourt-Trudel, with the invaluable help of Jean-Guy Banville, teacher in the Techniques de recherche sociale discipline at Cégep de Rosemont.

We envision a niche for this program among teachers in Methodology in the Social Sciences who can profit from NetSondage’s quick learning curve…

Obviously, you are the only person who can decide if this product meets your needs. We envision a niche for this program among teachers in Methodology in the Social Sciences who can profit from NetSondage’s quick learning curve as well as among administrators who can use it to easily create surveys. The annual ritual of program evaluation by students should be considerably lightened and improved with questions that can go right to the heart of student experience and answers from a much wider sampling.

NetSondage’s release date is planned for late January for the French version. Consult the CCDMD website for breaking information. As with many other CCDMD products, an English version is planned. Meanwhile, however, the French interface can be used to create English surveys.

Clicking on the banner will give you a sampling of a survey in French created in NetSondage. Take a few minutes to answer, and then use our Reader Response Feature to let other readers know what you think. Will it be as useful as we believe? What do you think of the variety of question types? Will you use it?

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