To keep warm in this cold temperature, APOP has “brewed” brand-new activities on SHERPA, the online ePortfolio designed for Quebec’s college and university levels. Throughout the month of February, you are invited to participate in several online activities which will take place on APOP_Online (VIA platform).
Sherpa – A Custom-build ePortfolio College | University
SHERPA is the result of the Programme de Collaboration Université-Collège project which aimed to plan the production of a digital portfolio for all branches of higher education. It is based on the open infrastructure Mahara, which provides a social networking environment and compatibility with other tools, like Moodle. Since the Fall 2012 semester, SHERPA has been supported by four IT Partners to ensure its continuity :
- APOP gives frontline support with educational activities for new users.
- DECclic assumes the system and registration management.
- Profweb disseminates and shares information on the use of the portfolio.
- And VTÉ monitors digital portfolios in an educational context.
If you want to learn more about this ePortfolio before joining these activities, there are resources offered by the above mentioned partners that will surely prove to be helpful.
- For instance, you can hear more about SHERPA design process and support through a column published on Profweb.
- Also, to have a better understanding of SHERPA’s interface and use, you can always see the ePortfolio in action by viewing the following EdTech webinar.
- Finally, there are several articles on the VTÉ website which address the pedagogical use of digital portfolios.
To participate in this month’s activities, you will need to create a SHERPA account. In order to do so, please contact DECclic (at, which is in charge of creating these accounts. Once you have received your access information, you will able to change your profile information and thus be ready to start using SHERPA.
Two Hands-on Tutorials
On two consecutive Thursdays (February 13th and February 20th), there will be two hands-on tutorials on the use of SHERPA. These activities will be held during lunchtime, from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. The first tutorial will focus on using the SHERPA graphical user interface and inserting content into one’s profile and portfolio. The second will address classroom management and formative assessment of students’ projects, as well as the production of a standalone online or offline portfolio. Watch out for APOP’s newsletter to learn how to register for these activities!
Sherpa tutorial on APOP’s website
APOP_411 Kiosk on February 28th
On the last day of February, we will wrap things up and end SHERPA month gracefully with an online APOP_411 Kiosk from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. You will then have the opportunity to get answers to questions you may have had during your experimentation with SHERPA.
And if, on February 28th, you do not want SHERPA Month to end, you are cordially invited to fill out a Project Proposal for the Fall 2014 semester to experiment with SHERPA in your classroom!