March 23, 2017

ICT Profile and Digital Badge Experiments

This text was initially published by Profweb under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licence, before Eductive was launched.

Digital badges, attesting mastery of digital skills (technical, cognitive and collaborative skillsets) within a lifelong training perspective, arouse keen interest in the college network: these competencies are essential when it comes to continuous studies, to the workplace and to responsible citizenship. This was emphasized by the Fédération des cégeps in their recent Mémoire sur la stratégie la stratégie numérique en éducation et en enseignement supérieur, sent to the MEES.

The ICT Profile for College Students generated many projects, including 2 digital badge experiments, which attest mastery of digital skills. The first took place in a situation of recognition of acquired competencies (RAC) in college; the other in regular day training. The system will be available to all colleges, in the DECclic/Moodle environment: colleges will award ICT Profile Badges to their students. They will also benefit from an institutional space within which they can award their own badges.

Colleges experimenting with digital badges in regular day training are the following:

  • Collège Ahuntsic
  • Cégep Édouard-Montpetit
  • Cégep de Lévis-Lauzon
  • Cégep Limoilou
  • Collège de Valleyfield

This project is led by the IT REP Network and Geoffroi Garon-Épaule acts as project manager. The experiment should end by December 2017.

About the author

Nicole Perreault

She began her college career as a Psychology Teacher and Education Advisor at Collège André-Grasset. She was then the Director of APOP and the CLIC newsletter before becoming an Education Advisor at Cégep Édouard-Montpetit. Since 2005, she is pleased to be the Community Manager for the Réseau des REPTIC (IT Representatives Network) which brings together ICT Education Advisors from across the college network. She has written numerous articles and given many workshops on the pedagogical use of technology. Their integration within the context of student success is a subject that she finds particularly interesting.

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