May 2, 2016

Innovative Practices for the Evaluation of Learning

This text was initially published by Profweb under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licence, before Eductive was launched.

Teachers, professionals and managers from the network of private colleges will be meeting on June 1st, 2016 at the Grande Bibliothèque de Montréal to explore Innovative practices for the evaluation of learning. As with many other aspects of higher education, ICTs are now occupying a significant place in the realm of evaluation.

Author of the volumes Le dossier d’étude, pour évaluer autrement… Un portfolio d’apprentissage (AQPC), and Construire des grilles d’évaluation descriptives au collégial : Guide d’élaboration et exemples de grille (Presses de l’Université du Québec), France Côté will get things rolling with her reflections. Well-known within the college network, France Côté is an Education Advisor at Cégep Marie-Victorin, as well as a lecturer at UQAM and at PERFORMA.

Next the participants will meet within the framework of 2 series of 90-minute forums on:

  • Correction of assignments and following the progression of students using ICTs (La correction des travaux et le suivi de la progression des étudiants au moyen des TIC). Jean Allard and Johanne Myre from Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf as well as Basile LeSage Tchize Ndejouong from Collégial international Sainte-Anne will moderate the exchanges on Internet-based systems to help accelerate marking tests, to provide feedback to students and to monitor their progression throughout the semester.
  • Peer Evaluation and Feedback. Monique Mainella, from Collégial international Sainte-Anne and Teresa Capparelli from the Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur will initiate discussions on the theme of peer-evaluation.
  • Comprehensive Examination (L’épreuve synthèse de programme). Simon Sabik and Megan Spriggs from Marianopolis College will present the status of the work that is under way on a Management Policy for the Comprehensive Examination of Programs at Marianopolis College and will moderate an exchange on best practices in this area among the other colleges.
  • Strategies for Counteracting Plagiarism (Les stratégies pour contrer le plagiat). Yvan Tétreault from Collégial international Sainte-Anne, as well as Kate Lecours and Valérie Tremblay from LaSalle College will offer some means of reducing the temptation to plagiarize (especially on-line) and will lead discussions on the measures that are being put into place to increase the reliability of on-line testing.
  • Formative Feedback and Enhancing Student Learning. Heather Sorella from LaSalle College will engage in a reflective exercise with participants to consider the means of enhancing feedback that is provided to students, with a specific look at Classroom Assessment Techniques.
  • Creating Evaluation Grids for Applied Training (L’élaboration des grilles d’évaluation en formation pratique). In the 6th forum led by Jean Philippe Boivin and Marie-Ève St-Pierre from Collège Ellis, these two session leaders will direct the discussions on ways to offer students a precise, equitable and objective evaluation within the context of practical training, notably for traineeships.

The majority of the presentations will be in French, but the exchanges in many of the forums can occur both in English and French.

The key feature of this meeting is the emphasis on exchanges between the participants. Contrary to the format of a conference where you attend a series of presentations, here the forums are an opportunity for each participant to share their practices. The session leaders initiate the discussion by quickly presenting some of their practices and invite the participants to also present their innovations in the area. With this strategy, the organizers are hoping to promote the transfer of best practices from one discipline to another and from one college to another.

Teachers, professionals and managers of college-level establishments –whether they be from the public system or the private system – are welcome to attend this thematic meeting. They can register now by visiting the following link:

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