March 30, 2010

IT Knowledge and Practice

The program for the 30th Annual AQPC Symposium is now available in both electronic and paper formats. Once again, about 120 presentations are being offered to participants.

With the theme, Knowledge and Practice: A Winning Tandem, the AQPC is showcasing a fundamental characteristic of college pedagogy, the melding of theoretical knowledge with professional practice. To mark this occasion, the Organizing Committee has brought together a remarkable group of speakers including Guy Le Boterf, author of Professionnaliser (2006) and Repenser la compétence (2008), Ken Bain author of What the Best College Teachers Do (2004), Nicole Boutin, president of the Conseil supérieur de l’Éducation, Lise St-Pierre professor at University of Sherbrooke, Sylvie Bonichon of the French expert team on the Bologna Process, Alain Pélissier, president of the Sectorial Commission on Education of the Canadian Commission for UNESCO and Henri Boudreault, professor at l’UQAM. All of these presentations will have simultaneous translation whether they are given in English or in French.

Furthermore, the Symposium program includes two presentations in English for each group of simultaneous activities. Presenters come from colleges including Champlain, Dawson, Heritage, John-Abbott, Vanier and the English section of Cégep de Sept-Îles. Although given in French, the presentation Le développement professionnel pour les enseignants du collégial « Avec un grand R » discussing the research of Susan Kerwin – Boudreau of Champlain Regional College – St-Lambert into the Master Teacher Program envisions discussion of the research outcomes in English as well.

The Symposium will have six Rendez-vous, small meetings in French on the common themes of pedagogical counselors, the PERFORMA master program, academic success, secondary-collegial cooperation, environmental education and the internationalization of education.

The host team at Cégep de Sherbrooke has created a rich menu of leisure activities to allow participants to appreciate the beauty of the city of Sherbrooke and its surrounding region. The symposium will also be the setting of the annual banquet of the AQPC which will be attributing a record number of honourable mentions to college teachers and the Prix Gérald-Sigouin honouring Mr Charles Gravel this year in recognition of his contribution to the development of resources for French language improvement developed by the CCDMD.

As usual, Information Technology in Education occupies an important part of the symposium program. Topics include online education and tutoring, software and resources for arts, languages and mathematics, the IT Exit Profile certification program integration, IT for special needs as well as new products from the CCDMD and the many uses of Profweb available to teachers. Overall more than thirty activities dealing with the use of technology in higher education will be presented during the three days of the symposium.

The program of the symposium is now available on the AQPC website, and those interested are welcome to click and browse. Printed copies will be sent to members and distributed in the colleges shortly.

This symposium is the thirtieth annual meeting of the AQPC. Those marking a thirtieth birthday or a thirtieth year of service at their college have a special invitation to come and celebrate this dynamic period in the academic life of our colleges.

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