December 14, 2010

IT Rises to the Occasion

This text was initially published by Profweb under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licence, before Eductive was launched.

In the finest tradition of Profweb, the Profweb Team would like to present a selection of its most heartfelt moments to mark the end of this fruitful season of IT in teaching.

As well, given that this year has been a tumultuous one for us, new faces have joined our team, and this column is the perfect opportunity to introduce them.

APOP seminar

The Profweb Team


(Administrator for Cégep Limoilou) – I joined the Profweb team last August. My most heartfelt moments have come from each team member for the reception they gave me and for their drive, motivation and commitment to college IT integration. Thank you Denis, Émilie, Jonathan, Norm, Patricia and Philippe!

Caroline Lessard

Caroline Lessard


(Coordinator) – Being the newest member of Profweb, my colleagues have not been shy in asking me for my most heartfelt moment this year and on top of that giving me a condition – no copying someone else’s idea! I did come up with something original, but too bad for them, they aren’t the ones in my sights! While I appreciate my new colleagues a lot, my most heartfelt moment came in dealing with our loyal IT Partners who regularly contribute to our columns and who have been participating in Profweb’s success for the last five years. My fondest regards to these partners with whom I have had the pleasure of seeing upon my return to the college network!

Philippe Aubé

Philippe Aubé


(Editor French Service) – My most heartfelt moment centers on one word “crossroads”. The word is an expression of the reality of new paths opening up and influences that arrive from many directions in our teaching practices. This word expresses our new reality, and has certainly been a part of Profweb this autumn.

My most heartfelt moment goes to all those who have travelled our Quebec crossroads for college IT integration, all those who expressed themselves in stories, reviews or comments on Profweb. At the focus of my thoughts is someone who has nurtured the content in our pages for five years. I refer of course to Denis, my colleague who showed me the ropes, and who is retiring, leaving shoes that will be difficult to fill. We hope that Denis will be virtually following us from afar!

Émilie Lavery

Émilie Lavery


(Editor English Service) – My most heartfelt moment this semester once again centers around encountering the diversity that exists in our network. I arranged to meet Maggie Richmond-Mhairig at her office on the LaSalle Campus to report on her use of Twitter with her fashion marketing classes. I was entering the territory of the fashion department and could not have anticipated what awaited.

Norm Spatz

Norm Spatz

Hardened by years of seeing blouses shrinking under the influence of Britney to reveal less than star quality midriffs, I was not prepared to encounter ‘outfits’ that revealed thought and presence rather than flesh. I was touched by the courage expressed in walking your own path in a kilt even if you were a guy and expressing your inner self with flair even if your outer self didn’t resemble a fashion model. Thank you students of LaSalle College for turning me on to the very special atmosphere that clothing carefully chosen can bring to even the sterile mass media influence that stalks the halls of our province’s colleges. These students are linking their wardrobe savvy to social media promoting events such as a gala for P.I.N.K. (People In Need of Kare). Let’s hope this sophisticated clothing ethic goes viral!


(Administrative Assistant) – My most heartfelt moment this year goes to Profweb and to all those who have been a part of the site! I have been part of the extraordinary adventure that is Profweb since 2009, and every year that passes I’m still amazed by the tremendous work being done and by the quality of the content. This year, new faces have joined the team and with them a new wind is blowing through Profweb’s pages, a wind blending continuity with shared passion. This fifth year of Profweb was one of renewal and building to continue for another five years!

Patrica Guertin

Patricia Guertin


(Personal Space Technical Support) – For my most heartfelt moment this year, I would like to thank all the users of Profweb’s Personal Space for the commitment and dedication they show when they use Profweb and integrate IT into their teaching. It takes a lot of determination and perseverance to develop good IT tools. Thank you for using Profweb! It’s always a pleasure to work with you!

Jonathan-Marc Lapointe

Jonathan-Marc Lapointe


(Editor French Service) – My most heartfelt moment concerns those who worked so hard to celebrate Profweb’s five years of collaboration. In a context where we tend to constantly communicate by proxy technology, human beings have an increasingly important role to play. In order that pedagogy does not become rigidly technical, we must provide a model where human relationships are brought to the fore. What I remember and will remember the most about Profweb is that more than a website, it was primarily a cooperative team looking to work with teachers and their concerns in the integration of technology. Thank you for having allowed me to work with you and much success in the future!

Denis Thibault

Denis Thibault

What about you?

Do you have your favorite moments to relate in Profweb for this season, some highlights that affected your teaching? Are there inspirational readings in Profweb that created heartfelt moments for you? Share them with your colleagues!

The Profweb Team wishes you a New Year filled with happiness and joy. We’re looking forward to seeing you on January 17 2011 for new releases, and from January 3 will be online with our annual review.

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