November 17, 2009

Knowledge and Experience – A Winning Combination!

The 30th AQPC Symposium will take place in Sherbrooke this year from June 2-4 with the theme Knowledge and Experience – A Winning Combination. The AQPC chose this title to underline one of the major qualities of college education, the synergy between knowledge and experience. The call for papers will appear shortly on the AQPC website in English as well as French. Interested parties are invited to submit their presentation and publishing projects. The deadline is Friday, January 15, 2010.

How can technology reinforce this synergy?

What are teachers’ pedagogical strategies to create a dynamic between knowledge and experience? How can technology reinforce this synergy? How can this partnership be reinforced through continuing education? How can an organization adapt its services and staff to foster an environment favorable to the combined flowering of knowledge and experience? These are some of the questions that can be touched upon during the symposium. The organizing committee invites educators to present their activities putting an accent on the expression of links between knowledge and experience as they play out in the classroom, in both regular instruction and continuing education, and in a pre-university environment as well as in a technical one.

A New Generation of Students

These students arrive from high school having experienced fewer lecture courses than their predecessors…

In a recent column which appeared in Profweb, our colleague Nicole Perreault wrote that the students who will enter college from now on learned how to use a computer mouse before they learned how to read and write. Many of them use the Internet and computer for more than just a simple means of communication and have developed skills facilitating online learning and experimentation.

These students arrive from high school having experienced fewer lecture courses than their predecessors and more courses requiring active learning. How will this cohort be different from those that have come before? In general terms, how have high school education professionals evaluated the skill set of this cohort?

The symposium offers educators an unparalleled opportunity to present new products, software and innovations to the college community to further facilitate links between experience and knowledge. It will also offer a presentation opportunity for the results of research done in the college network on learning and instruction.

An Occasion of Thanks and Celebration

The AQPC… nearly 700 articles in its review Pédagogie Collégiale.

The AQPC turns 30 in 2010! The first AQPC symposium was held in June 1981 with an attendence of 17 stalwarts! Currently, there are more than 1000 members coming from every college in Quebec. The organization has published a dozen volumes and nearly 700 articles in its review Pédagogie Collégiale of which 75 full texts are on-line in both English and French. The 30th AQPC symposium will celebrate these accomplishments as well as the support that the founders of the AQPC have offered to the development of pedagogy in the college network. This year’s meeting is also a particularly appropriate moment to highlight the contributions of other network organizations such as the CDC (Centre de documentation collégiale), which has developed the documentary heritage of the network for the last 20 years, and Profweb, which has become a weekly event for many of us during the last five years.

The organizing committee is looking forward to receiving responses to its call for contributions from the colleges, universities and schools of Quebec as well as from members of the academic community elsewhere in Canada and around the world. Everyone is invited to share their experiences and reflections on the methodology of effectively coordinating knowledge and experience.

Visit the AQPC site for more details on the Call for Communications and to submit projects!

The 2009 Symposium posted a record attendance by members of the Anglophone community.

A Special Invitation to the Anglophone Community!

The 2009 Symposium posted a record attendance by members of the Anglophone community. Once again this year, the organizing committee of the symposium is hoping to offer at least two activities in English during each presentation period. We have set an objective for ourselves this year to obtain at least one submission from each Anglophone college. More than ever, the AQPC is looking to be the meeting place for all educators who are members of the college network.

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