March 10, 2008

La Vitrine Technologie-Education and Your Needs

My name is Raymond. Almost everybody loves me. Actually I learned that you can’t be loved by everybody when I was a rookie teacher at Dawson and Champlain colleges in the late ‘90s.

My background is Ed Tech. I was recently hired at La Vitrine Technologie-Éducation to make the services developed at La Vitrine since it’s inception in 1992 available to the English network of colleges. And, I appreciate the Profweb platform that allows me to reach you directly.

What can I do to get the English sector to use La Vitrine’s services? How can we better align them to the needs of teachers and pedagogical advisors in the English sector? Are you interested in collaborating with us, in creating small partnerships and implementing projects? After you’ve read this article, I would appreciate getting your comments or suggestions by email.

Home page of Exploration Vanderbilt’s online research magazine

Sharing our Learning Resources

More and more teachers from all over the world develop teaching and learning resources and make them available freely online. My job is to look for those and enrich our online repository called Eureka. It contains hundreds of ready-to-use resources in the form of educational multimedia web sites like online magazines, podcasts, English learning activities, etc. You’re a teacher and you need content to complement classroom teaching? Look it up and you’ll say: Eureka! You’ll find interesting stuff to keep your tech-savvy students busy collaborating and learning.Profweb’s resources and scenarios come from the Eureka repository.

Keeping an Eye on IT and Education

I believe technology should be at the service of pedagogy. It should support learning. Everyday there are innovations in the Ed Tech field. By subscribing to our biweekly newsletter, you’ll get all the information about all the trends: Web 2.0 technologies, social networking, wikis, open source software like Moodle, podcasting for education, online collaboration, learning designs like WebQuests… basically the use of technology for learning. You can also help us to help you. Notify us of coming events of IT interest happening in the Quebec community so that we can post them as news. They could appear not only in our pages, but in Profweb as well.

ABC of Multimedia Training home page

Tools and Software

Integrating Information and communications Technology (ICT) in education requires access to software tools at a reasonable cost, as well as proficiency in the use of such tools. In order to support its member institutions in their ICT procurement process, La Vitrinehas been negotiating group purchase programs for software, which allows you to get a personal copy of Mac or Windows operating systems or Office for a fraction of the cost. We’re also negotiating Macromedia software purchases at this moment to support teachers who develop multimedia content. And if you have questions about available solutions, formats and specific terminology in the field of multimedia, our ABC of Multimedia will provide all the answers.

That’s what we have to offer. Let me know what we can do to support you, let me know your needs. You can contact me at or use the Reader Response Feature to share your thoughts about La Vitrine with other readers.


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