
This text was initially published by Profweb under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licence, before Eductive was launched.

The statistics of the Profweb website have spoken: here are the top 10 most consulted publications of the academic year 2016-2017 in both the English and French editions of Profweb.

From the English Edition

This year our readers have been particularly interested in the themes of active learning and resources and methods of blended learning (flipped classroom, hybrid classroom).

  1. Empowering Students with Liberal Education and Technology (Gabriel Flacks, Champlain College St. Lambert)
  2. 20 New Problems for the Website: Problem-Based Learning for College Physics (Angie Stevens, Profweb)
  3. Using Smartpens to Promote Deeper Learning (Johnathan Mina and Pascale Warmoes, LaSalle College)
  4. Commitment to Active Learning Results in a Significant Grant for LaSalle College (Ryan W. Moon, Profweb)
  5. Engaging Students in an Active Learning Classroom with the iPad and Apple TV (Nadine Korte, Champlain College St. Lambert)
  6. A Motivating Message Regarding Technology in the Classroom from an AQPC Honourable Mention Laureate (Angie Stevens, Profweb)
  7. A Virtual Teaching Assistant in the Blended Classroom (Frank Bonkowski, Cégep de Saint-Laurent)
  8. Strategies and Tools for the Dreaded Oral Presentation! (Angie Stevens, Profweb)
  9. A New Online Resource to Address Student Difficulties with English Exit Exam (Angie Stevens, Profweb)
  10. Bringing Some Fun and Friendly Competition to the College Classroom with Kahoot! (Terri Connolly, Champlain College St. Lawrence)

We get a sense that our readers are interested in approaches that engage students by using various strategies and tools. There is a growing awareness and sensitivity to the needs and interests of students as new approaches are developed.

From the French Edition

This year, our readers have been particularly interested in publications regarding correction and feedback, notably with tools that allow teachers to generate quizzes and surveys providing immediate feedback.

  1. Correction, rétroaction, évaluation: Pratiques inspirantes et outils sympaTIC (Huguette Dupont, Cégep de Granby and Andréanne Turgeon, Profweb) (English version available)
  2. Les enfants du troisième millénaire arrivent dans le réseau collégial (Chantal Desrosiers, Cégep de Trois-Rivières and PERFORMA) (English version available)
  3. Corriger avec le iPad: gagner du temps… perdu (Frédéric Dulac, Cégep de Granby)
  4. Comment donner une rétroaction efficace aux étudiants (Isabelle Senécal, Collège Sainte-Anne)
  5. La relève présente: des outils d’organisation et de présentations visuelles (Michelle Deschênes and Séverine Parent, Université Laval)
  6. Ressources TIC pour l’enseignement du français (Alexandre Dal-Pan, Profweb)
  7. Pourquoi et comment repenser la conception des salles de classe? (Melissa Philippe, Profweb)
  8. G Suite pour l’éducation: pour une pédagogie axée sur la collaboration (Lyly Lessard, Michel Ouellet, Maxime Ross and Kurt Vignola, Cégep de Rimouski) (English version available)
  9. La relève présente: des outils pour créer des quiz (Michelle Deschênes et Séverine Parent, Université Laval)
  10. Le téléphone intelligent en classe: le potentiel de Mentimeter (Basile Tchize, Cégep Gérald-Godin) (English version available)

Pedagogical approaches striving towards inclusive teaching are also very present.

Regarding this, we can see that teachers from both linguistic editions have similar concerns.

Our readers certainly have the success of students at heart and seem to be equipping themselves for students with diversified needs. We will stay on course with this topic and bring you more resources on this subject next year.

It has been a year rich in the variety of approaches being implemented in the network. Profweb is proud to share these inspirational practices, making the distance from one end of the province to the other a little shorter, while keeping connections strong and motivating innovations in teaching.

Thank you to all of our collaborators and contributors of 2016-2017, and congratulations on your inspiring stories. We can’t wait to see what 2017-2018 has in store!

Have a wonderfully relaxing summer!

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About the authors

Andréanne Turgeon

Andréanne Turgeon was an editor with Profweb from 2014 to 2019. Subsequently, she was the organization’s coordinator until it joined Collecto. Since 2021, she has been the director of Collecto’s Digital Pedagogy Services, to which Eductive is affiliated.

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