technologie-éducation as a Learning Technology Advisor to oversee initiatives targeted for anglophone colleges. Let me briefly introduce myself. Based on my experience as an entrepreneur in France and as an IT consultant, I now teach Information Technology at the undergraduate level at HEC Montreal as well as graduate courses at the University of Sherbrooke. My interests in education have led me to pursue both a postgraduate program in teaching in higher education and to complete a master’s degree in IT governance in order to continue toward a doctorate in education with a concentration in ICT Integration. In parallel, I am involved as techno-pedagogical advisor at the Centre d’étude et de développement pour l’innovation technopédagogique (CÉDIT). I strongly believe that technology is nothing more than a tool, but an exciting one that holds many possibilities.
I am looking forward to carrying on with some new exciting initiatives that Vitrine technologie-éducation has been already working on for a few months such as the brand new bilingual web site and a translated Guide for the Pedagogical Use of Social Media. This guide is designed for teachers, pedagogical advisors and anyone interested in integrating social media into teaching and learning. It is the result of a collaborative effort by participants in the VTÉ Lab Utiliser les médias sociaux sans crainte held in the spring of 2012. We envision a collaborative effort to replace resources in French, by an equivalent resource in English.
I strongly believe that technology is nothing more than a tool, but an exciting one that holds many possibilities.
Therefore, Vitrine technologie-éducation would like to go further and offer you the opportunity to participate in the first anglophone VTÉ Lab. The VTÉ Lab is a kind of live laboratory designed for teachers, pedagogical advisors and anyone interested in integrating social media into teaching and learning. So far, a typical VTÉ Lab experience is composed of one to four online sessions of an hour and a half. Participants, ranging from novice to expert, freely explore, experiment and evaluate innovative ideas and scenarios, using examples that allow for both observation and creation.
Integrating social media involve various disciplinary skills. But, what are the elements to be considered in order to make it a success in a pedagogical context? How do YOU use them? Have you developed a specific emerging expertise in YOUR classroom? What about sharing some of your favorite online resources? We would like to hear from the community to take current needs and available services within the anglophone network into account.
As we move forward into this exciting activity within an English context, we are asking Profweb’s readers to identify their needs or priority areas within their own colleges. Share your expectations with us in the comments section!