January 8, 2008

Profweb – Increasingly A Necessity for IT Integration!

This text was initially published by Profweb under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licence, before Eductive was launched.

The Animaweb Team is back! We would like to thank our readers for their generous comments and wishes. What great holiday giving! It really is heartwarming, if not essential, for us to get feedback from you. We need to hear from members of the collegiate community, who are on the front lines of IT integration, in order to remain informed of events to position ourselves as the place where the latest information on this phenomenon is to be found.

The Who will write the 200th comment in Profweb? contest ended on December 18 when Danielle Duchesneau of the Nursing Department at Cégep de Saint-Laurent sent in her winning entry. Our thanks to Danielle for her comments! Danielle is no newcomer to IT or Profweb. You can read about her exploits in her story from our French side, Utilisation d’un lecteur MP3 en milieu clinique.

We need to hear from members of the collegiate community, who are on the front lines of IT integration, in order to remain informed of events to position ourselves as the place where the latest information on this phenomenon is to be found.

We are making a resolution in 2008 to work hard to make Profweb a necessity for remaining at the forefront of IT news and network events, stories and reports about IT integration, resources and continuing education for IT, etc. – your weekly webzine for all your IT needs.

Do you have an IT wish or resolution to make for 2008? Our Reader Response feature is there for your comments!

Like many of you, January 9 and 10 are on our calendar for the U R on Line e-conference. Whether it’s at the Profweb kiosk or during our workshops (415 in English and 508 in French), we are looking forward to meeting you. If our workshops are not a part of your schedule, you can see them using the video replays available after the e-conference.

At our kiosk, the members of the Animaweb team will each have their time to meet with participants. Our schedule shows which themes will be discussed when, and by which member of the Animawebteam. The schedule is written in French, but there are several time periods that are bilingual.

True or False?

  • I want to know more about Profweb and its features.
  • I want to find great resources for teaching my discipline.
  • I want to meet the members of Profweb’s Animaweb team, the people behind this website.

If your answer was True to any of these statements, Profweb’s e-conference kiosk is worth a visit.

In order to bring fuller coverage of the e-conference to our readers, the Animaweb team will be sharing their experiences and discoveries through comments made in our Reader Response Feature for this week’s column. We are looking forward to meeting you January 9 and 10.

Happy New Profweb Year to all!

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