March 29, 2011

Teaching, Learning and Networking at the 31st Annual AQPC Symposium

This text was initially published by Profweb under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licence, before Eductive was launched.

What happens when a class is integrated into a network? How does one use the multiple networks available to increase the IT abilities of our students? Do the social networks students use have their place in the classroom? How does our profession respond to this growing interdependence? These are all essential questions that will be explored in the upcoming AQPC symposium ‘Teaching, Learning and Networking, for personal fulfillment and collective success‘.

31st AQPC symposium banner

The conference program offers six major conferences which address these issues. Professor Therese Laferriere of Laval University, a designer of learning environments, reflects on the classroom in the digital age. Nicole Gallant, Director of the Observatoire Jeunes et société explains her reservations about the use of social networks in an academic environment. Réal Jacob, a professor at the École des hautes études commerciales and chair of innovation transfer at CEFRIO, uses real life situations to illustrate how collaboration and networking contribute to learning in organizations.

Simon Larose, a professor at Laval University and project director at ERES (Évaluation du renouveau à l’enseignement secondaire) presents a profile of the new students entering college as a result of the educational reform in high school and their academic expectations. Gary Poole, president of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning and former president of the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education makes the link between students’ perceptions and the quality of education offered. Finally, Jocelyne Gacel-Avila, professor in charge of the internationalization process at the University of Guadalajara positions collaboration and networking in a local-global continuum.

IT Activities at the AQPC Symposium
203 Comprendre les enjeux de L’Ère de l’énergie
205 La Physique en réseaux à travers un jeu informatisé en ligne avec SpatioPEt
206 La vidéoconférence pour le développement et le réseautage des cégeps en région
208 De DECclic à Moodle, un premier bilan
211 Partager des compétences professionnelles enseignantes avec la visioconférence
215 Le dépistage, et après!
217 Nouveaux outils pour aider les étudiants en mathématiques
305 OpaleSup, une chaîne éditoriale au service de l’enseignant
307 Explorer Profweb, le carrefour de l’intégration des TIC au collégial
310 Profweb Promoting Networking
311 Models of Intervention: Teaching and Learning to Enhance Student Success
312 La classe virtuelle au collégial : de VIA à BibBlueButton
316 Intégration institutionnelle des TIC, un pas à la fois !
406 Un logiciel pour élaborer des activités pédagogiques
407 SpiderCAT: On-line Classroom Assessment Techniques
411 L’architecture et l’organisation du webporfolio SHERPA
417 Chercher, ça s’apprend !
502 Utilisation pédagogique du courriel et sentiment d’efficacité personnelle
505 eTCALS, le premier test de classement adaptatif informatisé pour le collégial
506 Note Taking Using a Low Cost Digital Tablet
512 Outil informatique pour la gestion des attitudes
513 Simulateur réaliste et interactif au laboratoire en Soins infirmiers
604 Les générations Internet et la e-littératie
612 Writing Thesis Statements: a Guided-Writing Exercise on the Short Story
704 Les réseaux sociaux et la pédagogie collégiale : les partenaires TIC ont des réponses à vos questions !
709 Smart Classroom, Smart Students : Leveraging New Learning Environments to Improve Learning
710 Les tableaux dynamiques croisés pour une information pédagogique et organisationnelle
805 Un site pour mieux communiquer qui croît avec le réseau
806 Learning with Technology: The impact of the Smartboard on Teaching and Learning
801.8 Grand V : quand la vitesse sert la pédagogie

Overall, the conference program features 120 presentations including about thirty which directly touch upon the educational use of technology through innovations and new products such as dynamic tables, videoconferencing using the VIA platform and BigBlueButton, PC tablets, e-books using SpiderCats and SpatioPets, DECclic which is discussing a first assessment of its transition to Moodle and, of course, Profweb. As well, the IT partners have joined forces to propose a joint workshop in which they propose to answer questions from teachers about the potential of social networks.

Note that the program includes a major conference in English (by Gary Poole) and two papers in English for each time slot. In addition, there will be simultaneous translation into English or into French, as appropriate, for the six major conferences.

All Activities in English
201 The Link Between Beliefs and Actions: Why Students’ Perceptions Matter
310 Profweb Promoting Networking
311 Models of Intervention: Teaching and Learning to Enhance Student Success
405 Assesing Knowledge of Mathematics and Science as a Result of the Secondary Level Reform
407 SpiderCAT: On-line Classroom Assessment Techniques
506 Note Taking Using a Low Cost Digital Tablet
509 Program Evaluation: a Small CEGEP Approach
607 Misconceptions from Mathematics and Science Teaching Acroos the Levels
612 Writing Thesis Statements: a Guided-Writing Exercise on the Short Story
708 Connecting Conceptual and Social Networks in Science Education
709 Smart Classroom, Smart Students: Leveraging New Learning Environments to Improve Learning
806 Learning with Technology: The impact of the Smartboard on Teaching and Learning
801.2 Cognitive Science and College Teaching
801.9 Local Collaboration Groups in Mathematics and Science

The official program of the conference will be available by the end of March and will be posted immediately on the website of the AQPC. Registration will begin at that time. The printed version of the program will be distributed to colleges at the beginning of April. Don’t miss the ten dollar discount offered for online registration to people with “connections” this year!

June 8-10 are dates to remember for everyone with an academic interest in higher education. Hosted by the team at Cégep Lévis-Lauzon, the Centre de congrès et d’expositions de Lévis is the place to be.

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