Using Moodle and looking to deepen the potential of this digital learning platform? Want to explore what IT in education has to offer? Intrigued by active learning? The CDC (Centre de documentation collégiale) offers free access to several resources that can help you.
With more than 30,000 documents on college education in French and English, the CDC has created two particularly interesting collections for the teacher looking to explore information technology. One very specific resource consists of digital books on the use of Moodle. The other, more general, includes everything from using a wiki in class to e-Learning passing through the gamut of IT in academia.
The collection of digital books on Moodle is recent. Added to the CDC’s catalog in Fall 2013, it can also be consulted from the CDC Pinterest page. This visual element facilitates research. In addition, each tile contains a URL link to the resource’s online address for remote consultation. From these images, you can view digital works on Moodle offered by the CDC.

An overview of the Pinterest board that the CDC has created on the theme of Moodle.
The other specialized collection on ICT is accessible through the CDC website. It is from the themed area called “IT, Learning and Collaboration”. You can browse the catalog where you will find documents – books, ebooks, articles, websites, government reports and other resources, from the creation of the Quebec college network to the present.
All materials are free and available online. To access resources, ask for a personal access code by email at: