May 2, 2017

The 2017 AQPC Symposium, at the Dawn of Celebrating 50 Years of the College Network

This text was initially published by Profweb under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licence, before Eductive was launched.

After 49 years have gone by, the College Network is about to begin its 50th year. The AQPC Symposium will be the first grand event of this anniversary, and once again it will bear witness to the vitality and the riches of the pedagogical culture in the Quebec College Network. In total, 128 presentations spread over 3 days and close to 1500 participants expected. You should be part of these numbers!

Our Legacy, Starting a New Collegial Cycle at the AQPC

One of the great thinkers at the origins of the College Network, Guy Rocher, will open the symposium with his speech “How to Explain the Surprising Success of the Quebec College Network and What Should Come Next? (Comment s’expliquer l’étonnante réussite du réseau collégial québécois et quelle devra être la suite?) In closing, the founder of the Institut du Nouveau Monde, Michel Venne, past-director in the college network Hélène Allaire, and student-activist Andréanne St-Gelais, will answer the question, “What Would a Parent 2.0 Report Say?” (Que dirait un rapport Parent 2.0 ?) before the audience. This is how, in a perspective towards the future, that the organizers of the symposium have developed the theme of the symposium: Our Legacy.

The presentation of Julia Christensen Hughes, Dean of the College of Business and Economics at Guelph University, “Teaching and Learning in a Time of Disruption,” as well as that of Ollivier Dyens, first Executive Vice-principal at McGill University “Disrupting Education in the 21st Century: Rethinking Human Beings with Education by Machines” (Bouleverser l’éducation au 21e siècle: repenser l’humain par l’éducation des machines), proposing fundamental reflection on education and teaching. That of Patrick Pelletier, Teacher at TÉLUQ “Hybrid Learning in Higher Education: from Concept to Practice” (L’apprentissage hybride en enseignement supérieur : du concept à la pratique),as well as that of Ann-Louise Davidson, Teacher at Concordia University, “Developing Competencies with Problem Sets” (Développer des compétences à partir des situations problems)approach pedagogical methods useful right away in higher education.

This symposium brings attention particularly to the situation of First Nations students. On this subject, we will hear from Lise Bastien, General Director of the First Nations Education Council, in her speech “First Nations Students within the College Network” (Les étudiants des Premières Nations au sein du réseau collégial) which will open the Rendez-vous with the First Nations. In addition, throughout the symposium, we will have access to at least one presentation regarding the services for First Nations students in every time slot.

ICTs Always at the Heart of College Pedagogy

The presentations explicitly treating the use of technologies in teaching and learning are once again numerous in the program. The registrations received already show that some of the presentations will be very sought after. Don’t wait too long so you can have access to the those of your choice!

The following list suggests the presentations that will be of interest to specialists in ICTs and enrich the pedagogical practice of all teachers:

  • 211 Apprentissage par problèmes en Sciences de la nature: une collaboration avec le CCDMD
  • 213 La correction enregistrée au gout du jour
  • 216 Detour Ahead: Overcoming Roadblocks to Educational Technology Use
  • 316 Processus et ressources pour évaluer les compétences
  • 317 TIC et pédagogie, 25 ans d’évolution et d’innovation
  • 401 Bouleverser l’éducation au 21e siècle: repenser l’humain par l’éducation des machines
  • 403 Rendez-vous PERFORMA-Innovation: Les stages, les technologies et la FAD
  • 412 Correction, rétroaction, évaluation: pratiques inspirantes et outils sympaTIC
  • 501 L’apprentissage hybride en enseignement supérieur: du concept à la pratique
  • 507 Stylo intelligent, tablettes et portables dans nos salles de classe
  • 508 Dlibr – Une plateforme Web pour interpréter, discuter et créer des idées
  • 601 Rendez-vous de l’internationalisation de la formation: L’international en mode virtuel…
  • 609 Designing Active Learning Classrooms: Interdependences of Space and Technologies
  • 612 Explorer Mars pour faciliter l’enseignement et l’apprentissage du concept de vecteur
  • 613 Un logigramme des apprentissages en héritage
  • 616 Profweb, pour valoriser les innovations technopédagogiques
  • 709 L’intégration professionnelle des étudiants en anglais langue seconde
  • 713 Decolonization in Action – Dawson College’s First Peoples Initiative
  • 714 L’impression 3D dans plusieurs disciplines
  • 715 La rétroaction vidéo personnalisée: une pratique efficace
  • 718 Narrative, Videogames and Learning
  • 803 La rétroaction formative avec GoogleDocs: plus d’apprentissage, moins de correction
  • 804 The Research Competition Website: Democratizing the Classroom through Multidisciplinary Role-Play Scenarios
  • 812 Formation à distance asynchrone: favoriser l’autonomie des étudiants

Only a Few Days Remaining to Register at the Reduced Price!

Several hundred people have already registered, so do as they have done and register! You have until May 6, 2017 to take advantage of the early-bird price.

The host colleges of the symposium – Cégep de Saint-Laurent and Vanier College – as well as the AQPC are waiting for the numerous attendees at the symposium which takes places in the quarters of Concordia University as well as the ceremony for Honorary Mention awards and the annual AQPC banquet which take place Wednesday, June 7 at the Palais des congrès de Montréal.

For More Information

All the information concerning the symposium is available on the website of the AQPC, notably to:

And of course, we invite you to follow us and like our Facebook page.

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