The College Network and the Transmission of Knowledge, from the Dissemination of Discoveries to the Transfer of Innovations
At the 78th Acfas Convention, ARC will hold a colloquium entitled Le réseau collégial et la transmission, de la diffusion des découvertes au transfert des innovations [The College Network and the Transmission of Knowledge, from the Dissemination of Discoveries to the Transfer of Innovations.] The concepts of “knowledge transfer,” “technology transfer,” and even “knowledge transmission” are ubiquitous in the college setting. But now, some 40 years after this educational level was introduced, how are research results being used in college teaching? In the same vein, what lessons can be learned from the success of both technological research and the network of college centres for technology transfer within which a large part of this research is conducted? Moreover, since the Québec government recently recognized a new type of college centre for technology transfer in the field of innovative social practices, what new perspectives on knowledge transmission have opened up? What are the foundations of knowledge transmission, such as it is practised at the college level? How is it practised at the college level?
In addition to discussions on these issues, the ARC colloquium will feature 17 scientific posters (in French) produced by fifty-eight researchers. The poster, still misunderstood within the college network, uses a combination of text and image in conjunction with an oral presentation to transmit research findings quickly and effectively. A poster communication session of two hours’ duration provides a multitude of opportunities for meeting and discussion, in French or in English, promotes networking and leads to more idea-sharing than is possible in an oral communication session. Charles, Lasry, Chomienne, Poellhuber, Chirchi, Fichten, King, Barile, Heiman, Nguyen, Chauvin, Budd, Mimouni, Havel, Raymond, Tibbs, Juhel, Fortin, Leduc, Raîche, Meunier and Talbot will be present to describe how to use information and communication technologies to implement collaborative teaching activities or gain a better understanding of students’ cognitive models. Don’t miss their presentations:
- Une ré-architecture de l’apprentissage:Mais qu’est-il arrivé à notre salle de classe?
- Offrir aux étudiants en formation à distance un environnement de réseautage social éducatif pour favoriser la collaboration et la persévérance
- À la recherche de la réussite postsecondaire:les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) pour les étudiants ayant des troubles d’apprentissage
- Le IPod Touch au service des pratiques d’évaluation des apprentissages dans une approche par compétence
Come and meet these researchers, these college network or interlevel research team members, and talk to them about their most recent discoveries, innovations or adaptations! And while you’re at it, you can listen to the winners of the ARC Student Awards speak!
Poster of the 78th Acfas Convention
The 78th Acfas Convention and the ARC colloquium will be taking place at the University of Montréal. This year, for the second time, the day before the colloquium, a pre-colloquium will be held featuring networking and the sharing of expertise. The program, which will focus on workshops and the Association’s annual general assembly, will be released at the same time as the colloquium program. Rendez-vous in Montréal on Tuesday, May 11 for the ARC colloquium, and the day before, May 10, for the pre-colloquium! Until then, you can submit any questions or suggestions you may have for participants right here, in Profweb!
Translation: Jim Edwards – Revision: Susanne de Lotbinière-Harwood