February 12, 2008

This year AQPC goes High-tech and Green!

The Cégep de Victoriaville is proud to welcome the AQPC Symposium on June 4-6. The cégep intends to make its mark on this year’s event with a goal to be waste efficient and carbon neutral. Logically, the organizing committee is looking for information technology to be at the heart of its efforts at trash reduction and energy conservation.

An Ecological Challenge

The number of printed documents for the preliminary phase of the symposium has already been reduced by two-thirds. The organizing committee has relied heavily on e-mail for its call for papers and for sponsorship solicitation. Also, increased use of the online program and online registration are seen as a way of reducing the number of printed programs.

The organizing committee is looking for information technology to be at the heart of its efforts at trash reduction and energy conservation.

To reduce the pollution caused by transportation, the organizing committee is providing public transport to Victoriaville from both Montreal and Quebec City which should serve to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. On arrival, there will be a shuttle between accommodation, the cégep and downtown Victoriaville. The organizers even intend to make bicycles available to participants who wish to get around town completely carbon-neutrally.

Upon arrival, participants will be asked about the means of transport used to arrive and their greenhouse gas emissions will be calculated by software specifically designed for this task. Compensatory measures such as tree planting will be undertaken after the symposium.

An Information Technology Challenge

Technology will be front and center in symposium content as well. The organizing committee is currently selecting workshops, and even at this preliminary stage, the number of entries dealing with information technology in education will represent about a third of the 105 to 110 activities to be offered in the 2008 version of this event.

The theme of the meeting Developing a different kind of student: a collective commitment highlights the academic challenges associated with students’ evolving familiarity with technology, most notably their abilities to use technology to go beyond the resources provided or suggested by the teacher.

Numerous submissions explore how teachers can tailor their teaching to individual students, provide additional help during and outside of class and correct student work. Other topics will deal with verifying information obtained on the Internet and explore teaching objects offered online and through other electronic media.

The organizing committee extends an invitation to all to regularly visit AQPC‘s website to stay informed about breaking news and to consult the online program and registration form which will be available during the month of March. So, stay informed and register online, but make a personal appearance June 4-6 at Victoriaville.

Be a part of the process! The members of the organizing committee of the 2008 symposium invite your suggestions and comments about their plans for a techno-green approach at the AQPC Symposium.

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