January 12, 2016

Use and Design of eBooks in a Pedagogical Context

This text was initially published by Profweb under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licence, before Eductive was launched.

The article provides an overview of a REFAD workshop entitled L’utilisation et la création de livres électroniques dans un contexte pédagogique (Use and Design of eBooks in a Pedagogical Context) that was held on December 2nd, 2015. A link to a recording of the  workshop (where you can also download the documentation) is included in this overview. The article also offers college-level resources related to eBooks. Finally, there are suggestions for a wide range of eBook tools: design and broadcasting platforms, style guide, etc.

Title: L’utilisation et la création de livres électroniques dans un contexte pédagogique (Use and Design of eBooks in a Pedagogical Context)

Presenter : François Dallaire (Centre de documentation sur l’éducation des adultes et la condition féminine / CDÉACF)

Description : The eBook is an indispensable tool for teaching that is becoming increasingly commonplace. In this workshop we will present some concrete examples for the use of eBooks within the context of teaching and adult education. We will see how the eBook lends itself to teaching at a distance by removing physical constraints. We will also explore the different eBook formats while looking at their main features. Finally, we will provide an overview of the necessary resources for their creation and distribution, as well as digital rights management (DRM).


Network Resources

Open-content Textbook Collections

Creation and distribution of eBooks


Free and Open Source Software

  • Calibre : eBook Library Management
  • Sigil : EPUB eBook Editor

Other links mentioned during the workshop

This article was initially published on the IT REP’s website. Its content has been partially adapted by the Profweb editorial team to facilitate access to the resources for the English readership.

About the Author

Nicole Perreault began her college career as a Psychology Teacher and Education Advisor at Collège André-Grasset. She was then the Director  of APOP and the CLIC newsletter before becoming an Education Advisor at Cégep Édouard-Montpetit. Since 2005, she is pleased to be the Comunity Manager for the Réseau des REPTIC (IT Representatives Network) which brings together ICT Education Advisors from across the college network. She has written numerous articles and given many workshops, including one on digital plagiarism and the ICT Profile for College Students. The pedagogical integration of technologies within the context of student success is a subject that she finds particularly interesting. Follow on Twitter

About the author

Nicole Perreault

She began her college career as a Psychology Teacher and Education Advisor at Collège André-Grasset. She was then the Director of APOP and the CLIC newsletter before becoming an Education Advisor at Cégep Édouard-Montpetit. Since 2005, she is pleased to be the Community Manager for the Réseau des REPTIC (IT Representatives Network) which brings together ICT Education Advisors from across the college network. She has written numerous articles and given many workshops on the pedagogical use of technology. Their integration within the context of student success is a subject that she finds particularly interesting.

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