
This text was initially published by Profweb under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licence, before Eductive was launched.

To celebrate the end of the fall 2015 semester, the Profweb team sifted through the stats for its web site and social media accounts to identify those publications which stood out for the period from August to December of 2015.

The 5 Most Visited Publications

  1. Teachers’ Use of ICTs: What Do Students Think? (Laura King)
  2. Teaching Through Simulation with Second Life (Greg De Luca, Ryan W. Moon)
  3. Moodle Revisited for Better User Experience and Accessibility (Jean-Sébastien Brouard)
  4. Becoming an Omnipresent Teacher with Wunderlist (Murielle Cayouette)
  5. From Gamification to Transmedia Storytelling (Jean Desjardins)


  • Profweb’s number 1 commentator: Nicole Perreault, Community Leader for the Réseau des REPTICs
  • Most active Twitter follower: Alexandre Enkerli, Educational Advisor at the VTÉ

The Publications with the Greatest Visibility on Social Media

A Theme that Stands Out: Games

All throughout the semester, several Teachers and Education Advisors shared their stories with Profweb about experimenting with a playful pedagogical approach that combines learning and pleasure together:

The Most Exotic Real Life Story

The Most Futuristic Article

How about you? What were your favourite publications? Please let us know by using the comments section below.

The team at Profweb would like to take this opportunity to wish you an excellent conclusion to the semester and happy holidays! We’re already working on our winter semester lineup of Real Life Stories and inspiring articles. We’ll be looking forward to your next visit, starting on January 11th 2016!

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