May 21, 2007

When today becomes tomorrow!

Personally I realized the value of expression in transmitting meaning. As our meetings are always in French, I found that seeing people as they talked and seeing the minutes of the meeting being typed by Françoise on theAnimaweb team as the meeting progressed was a real boon to understanding.

In Profweb en français this week, Lyse writes about the idea of “toolboxes”. There is a site [ ] where you can register your absolutely essential links so that they can be accessed from anywhere in the world by remembering only one address. You can also share your links with others and conversely find out what other people consider worthwhile to record. She also talks about the site of Bazzo.TV where Quebec journalists talk about their internet essentials. This article is in French, but a lot of the links are in English!

The main event in Profweb for me this week is the posting of my first Best Practices column which is on Zsolt Szigetvari, a prof in media studies at Dawson College who was also one of the keynote speakers at the APOP conference. The banner on the right should take you right to the teaser for the column. My interview was about a website that Zsolt has helped to create called Zenome. I discovered at APOP, however, that he is an experienced on-line instructor.

At the end of the Best Practices article, I have two links to download a PowerPoint presentation which illustrates a separate zipped mp3 file of a 20 minutes interview between Zsolt and me. As long as the two files are in the same folder or on the desktop, the second screen in the slideshow will automatically begin the interview. Figuring out how to get those files small enough to upload to the site was a real challenge. I would appreciate getting feedback from you as to whether or not you succeeded in downloading the files and listening to the interview. At this time, I have a number of techie friends who are exploring ways to make this process a little less cumbersome! I feel this presentation medium really works and I want to repeat the format in upcoming Best Practices columns.

I think I’ll leave the final word to Lyse again from the French side. She refers back to the subject of virtual toolboxes and discusses how pleased she would be to link to the site and find that Profweb was among the sites people judged to be indispensable. She then lists why Profweb should be in your toolbox listings:

  • It is the voice of It integration in Quebec collegial education.
  • It reports on breakthrough It educational innovation.
  • It stocks educational scenarios from around the world.
  • It is the voice of innovators around the province.
  • It addresses pertinent questions concerning It integration.
  • It lists ongoing information about continuing education in IT integration.
  • And, of course, it has a great weekly column!

See you next week!

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