Your 2 Minutes of Fame with ‘IT and Success…They Click!’ and More at the e-conference U R on Line!
Will we have the pleasure of your company at this truly exceptional event?
APOP’s e-conference U R on Line! will be held this upcoming January 9 and 10. There are currently about 100 activities including six opening or closing conferences, discussion workshops, a presenters’ fair, an IT partners’ fair as well as an on-line happy hour on the programme making this a major event that has something to offer to nearly everyone.
e-conference U R on Line! poster
For the second edition of this totally on-line web event, an important space has been made for participant meetings and informal get-togethers around the theme of ‘IT and success… they click’. A number of workshops will deal with the theme of IT integration and the academic conditions necessary for it to find its place in our classrooms. Look for topics dealing with important key issues such asGeneration Y and post-technical training, the contribution of the technological environment to academic practice, using IT for personalized student support and IT Myths and Realities as well as many other fascinating subjects examining the ramifications of the entry of technology into our institutions of higher learning. Each of the workshops will be a forum for the exchange of ideas among participants in the process of examining these issues.
Perhaps there are issues that are of a particular importance to you that have not appeared on the conference’s program. You yourself might wish to bring another dimension related to IT and success to the attention of your colleagues. If you have a question or idea to share and debate with other participants, the ‘non-atelier’ is your ticket to getting your concerns front and center. The principles governing the unconference (the unconference can be defined as an ad hoc meeting of individuals who who wish to share and learn from one another in an open environment) put you in control of what you discuss and how it is presented. This is your opportunity to make your opinions heard!
In the e-conference community of shared practice there is a contest called “Your 2 Minutes of Fame with IT and Success…They Click!” where everyone can post video clips about the subject of their choice according to on line information at General Contest Conditions / Criteria for the Selection of Video Clips (in French).
Instruction sheets about how to create Your 2 Minutes of Fame (in French) produced by APOP for participants give the lowdown on how to use video production software included in most office application packages such as Movie Maker, iMovies and Kino. Everyone will be able to communicate their point of view or present an interesting story to help develop the theme of the conference.
Example of instruction sheet
The On-line Happy Hour will be the time when the jury will name the contest’s award-winning video clips. We invite you to consult the conference’s program. We encourage you to register before November 23 which is the cut-off date for early bird registration at a 25% discount.
Will you be attending our major conference on Web 2.0? Will you be sharing in the excitement of being a part of an entirely virtual convention with an on-line environment that is at the avant garde of video telecommunication? Will you be contributing to the “Your 2 Minutes of Fame with IT and Success…They Click!”? Will you be among those competing for 8 prizes giving you access to video teleconferencing through the VIA platform?
The members and volunteers at APOP warmly invite you to the second edition of the e-conference U R on Line 2008.