They can also be asked to support teachers individually in the integration of specific ICT skills in a course. But what is their role? Of course the answer can vary from one college to another, depending on the distribution of dossiers and responsibilities, but here is an overview of the usual mode of collaboration:
Actors in the Process
A librarian or pedagogical technician (SMTE – Spécialiste en moyens et techniques d’enseignement), ICT counsellor and other actors working in each college may be asked to collaborate with teachers to participate in one or more steps towards the integration of the ICT Profile in a program.
Main actors of pedagogical planning, teachers prepare learning, teaching and evaluation activities that support the development of ICT skills. They also look for or create teaching aids that support such activities. They support students throughout their path. They collaborate with their colleagues for the concerted development of ICT skills of students in their program.
ICT Counsellors
College professionals who have the title of local ICT respondent can carry out more than one function. Some are appointed full-time for techno pedagogy, others divide their time among many responsibilities. They are usually pedagogical counsellors, but may also be librarians or pedagogical technicians (SMTE). Some pedagogical counsellors are specific to “programs” while others are exclusive to ICT. However, the college ICT respondent is the best informed person when it comes to the ICT Profile for College Students: as a member of the community of practice that started the ICT Profile for College Students (The IT REP Network), they are the main resource person who can support teachers in their initiatives or the process of developing a program linked to ICT skills, while collaborating with other actors in the college.
Librarians or pedagogical technicians (SMTE)
Professionals working in the library support students and teachers in the development of their informational skills. Some offer training activities, mostly to students, but sometimes to the college staff. They help students in their research. They can also support teachers in planning pedagogical activities. They can also create teaching aids and learning resources. Finally, they are often in charge of the library’s website and other means of information that make available resources and tools for students and all college staff.
Program Pedagogical Counsellors
Pedagogical counsellors, assigned in support of program-teams, can help teachers with their pedagogical planning. They are also important resource persons for supporting programs in the different steps for the integration and implementation of the ICT Profile, especially when this is planned during a program implementation, evaluation or revision: analyzing current practices in the program of study, developing the ICT Profile for Students for the program, evaluating needs, preparing an implementation schedule, etc.
Depending on the nature of the program and the resources available, technicians can be asked to support teachers and students in pedagogical activities: IT technicians, audiovisual and lab technicians, etc. They offer both logistic and technical support.
Even though the development of skills related to ICT is an institutional affair that must be mostly managed by teachers in programs of study, the most important persons, at the heart of this process, are students. To teach them the importance and pertinence of the ICT Profile in their program is an important element for a successful integration of ICT skills. Of course, frequent updates are to be expected within courses. The ICT Profile can be very motivating for some students right at the start of their college studies; it can even play an important role in promoting programs. In addition, knowing the teaching context in their program will help students who might be technophobes or have weaker skills when they start at college quickly engage in the right path.