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In the 1st of this 2-part webinar series, Dr. Kim Gomez discussed how working collaboratively in partnership can be enhanced through the use of co-design, an exciting and evidence-based approach to increasing the likelihood of successful adoption and implementation of innovative educational initiatives. Montreal-based examples of such initiatives include the Learning Communities project at Dawson […]

SPEAQ invites the ESL teaching community to the 50th Annual Convention taking place at the Lévis Convention Centre on Friday, November 18 and Saturday, November 19, under the theme “Together and Thriving for 50 Years.” It is a hybrid event allowing members the opportunity to attend online or in person; workshops will be live-streamed and […]

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Our panel of emerging researchers reunite to critically explore their own experiences of collaborative design in education, research and teaching. From educational innovation projects to STEM research on perinatal trauma, these emerging scholars explore the messiness of collaborating across people, time and space. This talk is inspired by the following questions: what partnerships emerge in […]

With Sharon Coyle, Master Teacher Program (MTP), Performa faculty, University of Sherbrooke This interactive webinar will provide strategies for Cegep teachers to support their students in navigating the internet.   Have you ever asked your students any of the following questions?   Did you notice the spelling mistakes in the article you cited?  Did you check the dates?  Do you only have one source?    […]

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The Pedagopauses are casual meetings whose themes will allow the CPs to share their knowledge and expertise with the other members of the community, thus initiating a process of co-construction of practices and knowledge within the community. This activity, animated by Quinn Johnson, pedagogical counselor at CEGEP Champlain St. Lawrence, will be occasion to discuss […]

A game jam is a friendly competition where students collaborate to create a game in 48h, given a theme. The Cegep Game Jam is the 1st game jam for CEGEP students in Montreal. This Game Jam takes place during DINGO Game Design Week. This week offers a chance for students to learn more about game […]

The CCDMD holds an information session to answer any of your questions about the CCDMD's 2023 call for projects. Several members of the CCDMD staff will be there to answer any questions you may have: project eligibility production process etc. The session will be held in French, but questions can be asked and answered in […]

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In this webinar, Professor Kirschner will discuss what learning is (as opposed to achievement), some of the giants upon whose shoulders we stand and what they have done for us as teachers and researchers, what their effects are on pedagogy and how we (should) teach. Webinar animated by Paul Kirschner, Emeritus Professor of Educational Psychology […]

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As part of the 2020-2021 Pedagogical Research and Experimentation Program (PREP) grant offered by the Quebec Ministry of Education to private CEGEP institutions in Quebec we experimented with the use of entertainment-based videogames in our college classrooms. Our research measured whether the integration of the videogames we choose had a measurable impact on our student’s […]

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Throughout this co-creative ideation lab session, we will discuss the best teaching contexts to implement games, as well as the design guidelines (time, requirements, etc.) to take into consideration. To further the discussion, 3 guests will join us. Pascale Warmoes and Jonathan Mina, teachers at Collège LaSalle, will address what research says on the integration […]

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In this webinar, Professor Azevedo will discuss how the features and affordances of ALTs can be designed to develop learners’ self-regulatory processes more systematically, such as using non-player characters as scaffolding agents, multiple representations to enhance comprehension of complex STEM materials, and providing agency in serious games to enhance motivation and affective engagement. He will […]

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To illustrate how they can support and enhance students' growth mindset and motivation, in this talk Andy Van Drom, ESL teacher at Cégep Limoilou and editor for Eductive, will present recurring metacognitive activities implemented in his courses as part of a research project. These examples will allow participants to integrate this approach into their own […]