Step Coaching Session
In this coaching session, participants, who would be looking forward to going further in depth in terms of discussion around implementation and course redesign, will explore the tool implementation side.
Active Learning, Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in collaboration with Technology
In this coaching session, participants, who would be looking forward to going further in depth in terms of discussion around implementation and course redesign, will explore the tool implementation side with Inclusive Design Research Centre (IDRC) of OCAD University (Toronto) as well as Roberta Thomson (McGill University / LaSalle College). IDRC has developed various projects using Infusion, a Javascript framework, to create tools that support personalization and customization of user interfaces, content, devices; etc. Technical background is not required to attend to this session and discover the tools presented; however, specialized expertise would be needed to implement some of them.
More specifically the following tools will be covered:
- Integrate the Infusion Learner Options component into a website.
Be aware this tool implementation might require the participation of a webmaster knowledgeable in Javascript. All the required technical information is available from Github. - Carry out a website accessibility review using IDRC “Quick-and-Dirty Website Accessibility Tests – and Fixes” guide.
Suggest a website and we would review it, discuss fixes to any problems. - Talk about and brainstorm how to make a complex content (e.g. a PHET simulation) accessible.
- Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology in Post-Secondary Education – tools and resources on quality implementation of assistive technology in the post-secondary educational environments.
How and where can this support the tools shown by IDRC/OCADU.
We will have the pleasure to welcome back three experts in the fourth session of this VTE laboratory:
Anastasia Cheetham, M.A.Sc., P.Eng., Inclusive Software Developer/Researcher
- Member of the Floe Project development team. The Floe Project is working to develop tools that help transform, augment, and personalize the learning experience for the full diversity of learners and content producers.
- Member of the Fluid Project development team. The Fluid Project is creating a user interface architecture that will enable the creation and consistent use of modular, reusable, and swappable user interface components.
- Member of IMS Accessibility Special Interest Group, developing accessibility specifications for educational system interoperability
- Convenor of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC36 Working Group 7, which develops standard related to culture, language and individual needs in the field of information technology for learning, education and training.
Michelle D’Souza, Senior Inclusive Software Developer
- Member of the Floe Project development team.
- Member of the Fluid Project development team.
Roberta Thomson, Assistive Technology Course Instructor, McGill University & LaSalle College
- Roberta is a strong believer in the power of assistive technology to transform lives and educational environments as well as an advocate for Universal Design for Learning (UDL). She is a course instructor at McGill University/LaSalle College and has been actively involved in creating active learning and accessible classrooms. One of the courses she teaches at McGill is on assistive technology (AT) – including UDL in the Certificate of Inclusive Education program. She has a wide knowledge base of a variety of technologies/AT and the best practices for their implementation in classroom settings as well as UDL. She has recently begun working as the Project Coordinator for the Chantier 3 Grant from Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche, de la Science et de la Technologie (MERSRT) of Québec whose focus is a collaborative endeavor with five post-secondary Montreal area institutions – Centennial College, Dawson College, John Abbott College, Marianopolis College and McGill University as the lead.
Looking forward to seeing you online!