Recently, Infiressources‘ data was collected by Eureka and transferred to Profweb. This major development will greatly enhance the reputation of this already well-known site in colleges. Consulting Infiressources’ data on teaching and nursing may contribute to the integration of ICT in these fields.
Currently, over 2000 resources and articles have been transferred and are now available to teachers and students of nursing. Among these many items, some are Infiressources originals. There are also articles from, for example, Perpective infirmière, Médecin du Québec, Recherche en soins infirmiers and Wound Care. These multiple resources serve as additional information for nursing students.
A Dynamic Site
For over six years, Infiressources, a volunteer-staffed non-profit website, has promoted nursing education, networking and the sharing of information about the health care system and nursing itself.
Conceived for both academic and professional use, articles are written to encourage reflection and information dissemination. Our material is provided by authors within the Quebec College Network as well as from other colleges, universities and hospitals. Newsletters are regularly sent to nearly 600 subscribers from different backgrounds: universities, colleges and health care facilities. These links have fostered the creation of what amounts to a community of professional practice within Quebec.
Site Organization
The mass of information on this site is divided into four categories or ‘crossroads’ in order to allow easy access: the Clinical Crossroad, the Professional Crossroad, the Educational Crossroad and the Cultural and Humanitarian Crossroad. Each category consists of several divisions. In addition, there are home page features where you can find New Releases on the Website, Brief News, and exciting sections such as Tina’s Tidbits, Snooper, Hourglass, Events, In Honour! and Editorials. Infiressources also maintains a bank of information that has appeared on its pages. The site is bilingual.
The Infiressources Team
The task of keeping Infiressources online is divided into three positions: the webmaster and administrator Denise Bruneau-Morin, the document researcher Claire-Andrée Frenette-Leclerc and the editor Margot Phaneuf.
The webmaster is responsible for internet monitoring and publishing articles about events in the world of health and the health profession, projects, research, etc. The document researcher deals with the information bank which has about 12,000 records. Each month, she reviews 17 magazines, reviews and journals and references the information that they contain. She also creates numerous references from texts. The editor is responsible for in-depth articles covering various topics in the domain of health care and training. Other relevant documents refered from health care professionals are also in Infiressources.
Infiressources Online!
The Infiressources site is popular. It is visited by readers from over 80 countries. Each month, Infiressources receives between 30,000 and 38,000 visitors and more than 70,000 articles are downloaded. This continuously increasing popularity is an indication of the site’s effectiveness!
Benjamin Disraeli, a British prime minister, wrote, “As a general rule, the most successful man in life is the man who has the best information.” We at Infiressources hope that all our visitors will have a similar motivation. Come visit us, and provide your extremely valuable feedback.