Cégep@distance – On Track for the last 15 years!
In 1992, the printed page was king, and technology made its appearance in the occasional accompanying audio or video cassette.
In 2007, our team has demonstrably adapted to the technological revolution by:
- developing and using management software designed to support and follow up with students, and permitting them to advance at their own pace;
- offering many courses in an Internet-based learning environment;
- allowing easy telephone access with voice box connections to tutors and other members of the Cégep@distance team;
- rigorously following a design process for course content creation with management software and through the use of MS Word-based templates that export XML, decreasing turnaround-time for the publication of print-based materials;
- assuring rigorous document management using a content management and versioning application available to external contractors via the Web. This application promotes collaborative work and course development;
- creating course companion websites to provide complimentary material for print-based courses;
- integrating self-evaluation exercises and homework into an evaluation management application to facilitate the return of corrected work as well as the communication with the instructor through voice-mail and academic forums;
- experimenting with web-based practical examinations.
Despite the great report card, we are not resting on our laurels; there are other promising projects on the horizon. Work has commenced on modules leading towards a DEC in Early Childhood Education that will also fulfill just-in-time training needs, and include a prior-learning assessment service. We are building links to the Eureka project of Vitrine Technologie-Éducation to make our course information more available to the collegiate network. We are considering the electronic portfolio as a tool for student learning, support and evaluation. Finally, dedicated program websites as well as real-time virtual classroom experimentation are part of our current research.
Cegep@distance’s 15 ye@rs 15 bursaries banner
Cegep@distance http://cegepadistance.ca/en/ would like to thank its staff for 15 years of overcoming technological challenges. We will also thank our students by awarding them with 15 bursaries during a ceremony to be held on March 29th in the Salon Montréal of the Olympic Tower.