Luc Desautels is researcher and teacher of humanities at Cégep régional de Lanaudière-L’Assomption.
Also, does an institution stand to gain from “studying”? the changes that take place within its walls or from considering innovations as fields of research? By the same token, for each research project, at what cost does a college technology transfer centre generate significant benefits for teaching? In other words, in what conditions does research become a means of improving the quality of training at colleges? Finally, could Quebec society save on the costs of research conducted at colleges and college technology transfer centres? Do the results of college research prove beyond any doubt that revenues exceed expenses?
The investments are not just financial; investments in time, energy, material and psychological resources are involved as well. These very real costs must be covered in order for research to remain vital and thrive at the college level. What are the costs incurred by someone studying at the first level of higher education who has a taste for adventure and for whom research is not an obligation but an opportunity? What must an educational institution or transfer centre spend so that research can flourish within its walls, either through scholarly research or the training future of scientists? Lastly, what is the cost to society of training competent human resources for the twenty-first century? To what extent is research directly or indirectly related to Quebec’s development needs? When all is said and done, is college research worth it?
In addition to speeches on this year’s theme, ARC invites the college research community to a poster session highlighting the results of research projects that reflect the vitality of college research. Through its colloquium, ARC hopes to promote discussions both within the college scientific community and, on a larger scale, between this community and all audiences brought together for the Convention. To attain these two objectives, ARC is preparing a program in which regular sessions and special activities will be ideal occasions for creating or strengthening ties.