
Chris Isaac Larnder


Cégep John Abbott College

About the author

was born and raised in Montreal. For the past 14 years he has taught physics at John Abbott College. Prior to this he developed software for the computer graphics industry and founded ACM SIGGRAPH Montréal, a chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery.

He has been exploring the use of accelerometers in physics education for the past 4 years and has shared his work through locally via ProfWeb, SALTISE, APOP, AESTQ and ACFAS; and published internationally in the American Journal of Physics, The Physics Teacher and the bilingual Revue international des technologies en pédagogie universitaire.

He is also involved in the local artificial intelligence community, having contributed to the founding of JACOBB, an AI technology-transfer center and co-directing the Education axis of the Observatoire international sur les impacts sociétaux de l’IA et du numérique.