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Step Introduction to Open Badges

Through this step, we explored concepts and tools associated with digital badges and gain insight from existing experiments in badging.


As a first step in our work together, we explored concepts and tools associated with digital badges and gain insight from existing experiments in badging. While our focus for this lab is on informal learning, many contexts for the use of badges relate to formal education.

During this first session, we set the stage by introducing ourselves and our interest in badges, to follow with questions from participants and concrete experiences from guests and others. Before wrapping up the session, participants were given an activity to do in preparation for the second lab session.

We used a collaborative document to collect questions, comments, data, resources, thoughts, and ideas. This document can be edited by anyone who has the link, without needing any account. During the lab session, we monitored this document for questions and thoughts to be brought up with the experts. Though the live session is over, we will still maintain this document and integrate it with the rest of our work together.

Feel free to consult some of the resources below. If you want to recommend more resources, you can add them to that shared document.

The recording from the lab session appears in the box below. You need to click the black or red “Play” button to access it. 

Click on  or  below.


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