Net Talks banner
Reserve your seat; get ready for a brown bag lunch series that will take you to a new dimension.
This fall we will be presenting Net Talks in several Series sure to appeal to everyone:
- Teacher Series: Topics concerned with the realities of teaching, for example we will have training for the Via platform as well as Mind Mapping.
- Student Series: Topics that will help us better understand our students such as the so-called Generation C currently arriving in our classrooms.
- Departmental Series: Departments will be invited to come together and share practices in IT that are discipline related; upcoming: Humanities Series, Physics Series, and Business Administration Series.
- Talking Circle Series: An open forum for teachers to share best practices in IT integration. We will be reviving this time honoured technique to tame the technology of the 21st century. Everyone gets a turn at the mike.
- Book Series: Authors of books related to IT will be invited to come and share their expertise.
- Think Tank Series: Researchers at the post secondary level will present and exchange about their research projects. Teachers interested in carrying on research will find a place where they can come and learn what is happening in the field.
Professional Development banner
We also have workshops for you. Sharpen your pencils and get ready to dive in with some hands-on training in small groups:
- Mind Mapping: This workshop introduces this graphical method of recording ideas with colours and symbols. Mind maps call on the creativity of students and are a great tool for teaching problem solving, outlining, collaboration, visualization, creativity, condensing ideas and team building.
- Moodle: We will analyze the customization of Moodle, an open source Course Management System implemented at Dawson College as the official replacement of WebCT, the former CMS. We will focus on the migration process from WebCT to Moodle, new modules that were specially created for Dawson’s needs and their integration with all the existing internal databases (courses, teachers and students). Best practices and lessons learned throughout this process will be also shared.
- Pedagogical Uses of Google Apps: Google is more than just your favourite search engine, Google offers a range of applications with interesting pedagogical possibilities. This workshop will explore in particular the possibilities for collaboration, proofreading and encouraging multiple drafts with Google Documents, presentation of students’ work with Google Groups and the marriage of visual and geographic information to almost any subject with Google Maps.
- Via Platform from Beginners to Animators: This will be a series of workshops in the use of the Via platform for training and web conferences. At one level, this workshop will help all members of the community to join our activities, share and get the most out of our talks and workshops. At a second level, you will learn to use this technology with your students. At the third level you will learn how to become a presenter or an animator.
Don’t see your topic here? Have a topic that would fit into one of the series? Send your suggestions. Need a workshop? Let us know.
Better yet, do you have particular experience or expertise that you would like to share? Come practice your chops in this exciting new way of reaching your colleagues. We’re always looking for new presenters.
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