January 13, 2009

Balancing Between Innovation and Consolidation

The Profweb team is always walking a fine line between consolidating our present features and innovating further. On one hand, it’s important to present our readers a recognizable interface, but on the other hand, it’s important to stay at the leading edge of technology and to reflect the latest developments of our partners in integrating IT into college education. Besides continuing to regularly update content in Profweb’s features, our agenda for Winter 2009 contains the high priority activities below:

Classify ICT Activities in College Education

You probably have already noticed that our stories, resources etc. are now classified by official discipline of the college network. It has become evident that a more generic system based on ICT activities in college education is necessary. Factors in such a system would include teaching context, planning, information management, editing and production, communication and evaluation. A few months from now, Profweb will adopt this new system being developed by our IT Partners under the responsibility of La Vitrine Technologie-Éducation.

Self-classify ICT Skills

The members of the IT Representatives’ Network (ITREPs) have been working to develop a frame of reference for ICT activities. Profweb has been particularly interested in the ICT skills of the educators of the college network. It is important for Profweb to make teachers aware of the relationship between these skills and the resources available on our site, particularly the continuing education activities listed in our Professional Development tab.

Therefore, during this upcoming semester, an interactive tool will be available on Profweb to enable teachers to self-classify their ICT skills. They will be able to determine which activities would be most appropriate for their continuing education efforts, and relevant resources will be proposed. Watch for news about this development in Profweb’s pages.

Use a Distribution List

Although it is now possible to automatically install a blog, a CMS (Content Management System), a forum and a wiki on Profweb’s Personal Space, we want to add a distribution list manager. This tool will be indispensable to allow communication and cooperation between members of a discipline, a program or a project beyond what is now currently possible. During the winter, a first initiative in this direction will be conducted among teachers of Geography. We will keep you informed of developments in this matter.

Subscribe to ProfwebExpresso

Profweb already offers subscriptions to three RSS feeds giving automatic access in a navigator to our Hot Off the Presses, Events and Columns sections

An even simpler way to stay informed of on-going developments in Profweb will be to subscribe to an information bulletin sent periodically by e-mail or distribution list to interested Profweb readers. Profweb will carry news about when this new feature, ProfwebExpresso!, will become available.

Evaluate Profweb

Profweb went on-line in February 2005 and was officially launched in June of that same year. The English edition appeared in May 2006. After four years of existence, an evaluation of the pertinence of this site, dedicated to IT integration in Quebec’s college education network, is in order.

Create a 2009 Wish List

As you can see, we’ve got big plans in our sights for 2009!

  • That Profweb be known by the greatest number of profs possible,
  • That Profweb become THE address for IT in education news and training for the Quebec college network,
  • That Profweb be where all members of the college network make and read comments.

We wish you all a most Profweb New Year. Now, please tell us your IT resolutions for 2009!

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