September 16, 2016

Get Even More from the AQPC’s 2016 Symposium: Resources Now Available Online

This text was initially published by Profweb under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licence, before Eductive was launched.

The 2016 edition of the AQPC Symposium, held last June in Quebec City, was an opportunity to attend memorable conferences and learn about remarkable projects from our colleagues across the entire college network. This year, more than 1500 people attended the Symposium. If you were not able to make it, all is not lost: You can now view the keynote conferences online and download the documents that were made available to attendees for dozens of presentations.

The AQPC Sessions

In 2016, as was the case in 2015, the AQPC presented its keynotes, awards and honorable mentions ceremonies through live simultaneous webcasts. Hundreds of people that couldn’t make the trip were able to witness these special moments from the Symposium.

A selection of the sessions were recorded and now enrich AQPC’s collection of digital presentations. Thanks to the CCDMD (Collegial Centre for Educational Materials Development), you have 2 ways to access these sessions, either from CCDMD’s web site  or from AQPC’s web site. There are already more than 30 sessions in AQPC’s digital collection of presentations, with titles like:

  • L’innovation mode d’emploi (Innovation: Howto), by Yvon Fortin (2014 Symposium)
  • Appréhender l’innovation pédagogique en enseignement supérieur (Understanding Pedagogical Innovation in Higher Education), by Anne Mai Walder (2014 Symposium)
  • Enseigner dans une classe en réseau, une réalité incontournable? (Teaching in a Networked Classroom, An Inevitable Reality?), by Thérèse Laferrière (2011 Symposium)

The AQPC and CCDMD have just gotten their hands on the edited footage from the conferences that were presented in 2015 and 2016. Thus, in the next few days, we will be able to view:

  • En synergie pour l’évaluation des travaux d’équipe (Synergy for the Evaluation of Group Work), by France Côté and Hélène Lévesque (2015 Symposium)
  • Five Practices You Want in Your eLearning Strategy, by Patrick Devey (2015 Symposium)
  • Faire ensemble (Let’s Do It Together), the closing plenary, by Jean-Marie Zeitouni (2015 Symposium)
  • L’éducation d’aujourd’hui veut dire la réimagination de la citoyenneté (Education Today Means Reimagining Citizenship), by John Ralston Saul (2016 Symposium)
  • Educating for Culturally Competent Citizenship by Alan Sears (2016 Symposium)
  • Superviser des stagiaires : une activité complexe qui dépasse la relation pédagogique (Supervising Trainees: A Complex Activity That Goes Beyond Pedagogical Relationships),    by Sébastien Paradis (2016 Symposium)
  • Culture, identité et diversité… pour quelle société ? (Culture, Identity and Diversity… For Which Society), by Serge Bouchard (2016 Symposium).

The Documentation Provided During Workshops at the 2016 Symposium

Each year several colleagues that have presented at the AQPC Symposium provide access to their documentation (slideshow presentation, summary, complementary information, etc.). The AQPC provides access to this information through its website. Thus you can download any documentation that has been made available, free of charge.

The online archive of AQPC Symposium proceedings, where you can filter resources by year of the Symposium, offers access to a number of documents that will be of particular interest to those who are using ICTs in their pedagogy. Along these lines, we would like to draw their attention to the following sessions from the 2016 Symposium:

  • 202 L’engagement étudiant décorTICqué en Tremplin DEC (Student Engagement Deconstructed in Springboard to DCS/DEC Programs)
  • 306 L’utilisation des outils Google pour l’éducation en Sciences, lettres et arts (Use of Google Applications for Education in Science, Arts and Letters)
  • 307 Des « selfies vidéo » en classe (Video Selfies in Class)
  • 318 Évaluer les compétences… une façon de s’en sortir (Evaluating Competencies… A Way to Get By)
  • 402 Rendez-vous sur les classes d’apprentissage actif (partie 1) – (Active Learning Classrooms Meetup – Part 1)
  • 408 Développer l’intégrité intellectuelle : rôles et responsabilités de l’établissement (Developing Intellectual Integrity: Roles and Responsibilities of the Educational Establishment)
  • 502 Rendez-vous sur les classes d’apprentissage actif (partie 2)  – (Active Learning Classrooms Meetup – Part 2)
  • 508 La rétroaction, traditionnelle ou technologique ? (Feedback: Traditional or Technological?)
  • 513 Information Technology Promoting Competence, Culture and Citizenship
  • 514 Outiller les étudiants dans leur utilisation des réseaux sociaux avec (Equip Students for Their Use of Social Networks with
  • 606 Amener sa classe ailleurs avec l’enseignement virtuel en équipe (Bringing Your Class Elsewhere With Virtual Team Teaching)
  • 618 Des enseignants inspirants dans leur utilisation des TIC (Inspiring Teachers in Their Use of ICTs)
  • 713 Compétence, culture, citoyenneté et technologie : l’espace (Competency, Culture, Citizenship and Technology: The Web Space)
  • 717 La classe renversée, ou quand les apprenants font le cours (Reversed Classrooms, or When Students Run the Course)
  • 807 La tablette numérique en temps réel en laboratoire (Tablets in Laboratories in Real Time)

Evidently, you’ll also find the documentation that was shared as part of several sessions on the AQPC website. Some new files may also be added soon in addition to those that are already available.

The AQPC invites you to take full advantage of these resources while you are waiting for the next Symposium, which will be taking place in Montreal from Tuesday June 6th to Thursday June 8th, 2017 at Concordia University’s campus in Downtown Montreal. Our colleagues from the Cégep de Saint-Laurent and Vanier College will be our hosts for the Symposium. The event will coincide with the 375th anniversary of the City of Montreal celebrations and the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the college network, providing us an opportunity to take a look back and then to look forward while reflecting on the legacy we wish to prepare for our students.

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