November 19, 2009

Pedagogical Induction: Building Bridges for Technopedagogy

This text was initially published by Profweb under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licence, before Eductive was launched.

Education is essentially about learning, and helping others learn. As all teachers know, this task is not simple or easy to accomplish. My experiences as a teacher and as an education advisor have convinced me that being knowledgeable about teaching and learning processes and developing a capacity to reflect critically about one’s teaching practices are of critical importance for new teachers. That is why energy has been devoted to developing a project called the Institutional Programs for the Pedagogical Induction of CEGEP Teachers (IPPICT). Its mission is to help colleges implement an induction program that helps new teachers develop an understanding of pedagogy and sharpen their teaching skills.

The project, pedagogical in nature, is related to ICT. Indeed, pedagogical induction can and should be a bridge leading to technopedagogy.

IPPICT Pedagogical Induction  Programs

Recently hired teachers in the induction programs participate in the set of five interactive workshops listed here. They engage in open dialog about questions that are central to the profession. This contributes to the formation of a learning community.

List of Workshops for New Teachers
Workshop 1: Thinking about Teaching and Learning
Workshop 2: Teaching Strategies that Make a Difference
Workshop 3: Fostering an Environment for Learning in the Classroom
Workshop 4: Zeroing-in on the Assessment of Student Learning
Workshop 5: Focusing on Learners and Learning

Access is given to individual consultations and to online communication and resources. Information about PROFWEB, the CCDMD, the CDC, the ARC and the AQPC is offered to participants who are encouraged to pursue continuing education opportunities, particularly those offered through PERFORMA and the APOP.

Connecting Program Activities to Technopedagogy

List of Workshops for Seasoned Teachers
Workshop 1: The Meaning and Importance of Course Design
Workshop 2: Beyond “Big Ideas” – Mapping Meaningful Connections Between Concepts
Workshop 3: Tools for the Assessment and Evaluation of Student Learning
Workshop 4: Planning the Next Step

A theme present in all of the courses is the need for a sound pedagogical scenario. As shown by Christian Barrette, a scenario that integrates program objectives, teaching strategies, learning tasks and student evaluation is essential to the successful use of ICT in education. This means that what is learnt in induction programs can and should be invested in the development of educational ICT activities.

Also important for success, are adequate integration of the scenario with ICT and obtaining access to ICT training and resources.

Because of their nature, certain activities of the induction programs are founded upon the three conditions for successful technopedagogy. This is the case for the one on concept maps that is part of a series for seasoned teachers on curriculum design whose titles are shown above.

In this workshop, participants:

  • develop an understanding of the meaning and importance of concept maps
  • acquire knowledge about defining characteristics and about the functions for teaching and learning;
  • develop the ability to organize this type of activity;
  • elaborate and analyze a concept map on the assessment and evaluation of student learning;
  • reflect on the collaborative process involved in this type of group task and
  • identify topics for concept map exercises in their courses.

Assistance is available for those who need help integrating ICT and their pedagogical scenario or who want to learn about ICT tools.

Learning Fosters Learning


The project, funded by the MELS and the Entente Canada – Quebec, is only a few months old. Pedagogical Induction Programs are presently being implemented in three colleges with the help of local education advisors (Monica Lopez and Mark Steven of Marianopolis College, Judith Beaudoin of Champlain – Lennoxville and Michèle Deshaies of Champlain – St. Lawrence). Services are available to all Anglophone colleges.

In developing the project, I have kept in mind that ICT plays an important role in CEGEP education. Network partners are actively engaged in promoting the integration of ICT in teaching and learning. ICT is also part of our students’ cultural experience. It is regularly used to access information, for communication and networking and in various forms of creative expression. Many teachers who want to maximize student engagement in their learning take advantage of its potential when designing pedagogical scenarios.

Christian Barrette’s research clarifies the role played by the IPPICT Project in relationship to ICT. Bridges to technopedagogy are built 1) by signaling that what is learnt about pedagogy needs to be used when developing ICT activities and 2) by offering workshops, like the one on concept maps, founded on all of the conditions for successful ICT.

Ultimately, the IPPICT Project focuses on learning because learning fosters learning. Indeed, when teachers develop skills in pedagogy and in ICT, they are better able to set the stage for meaningful and deep learning by students. Contact Normand Bourgeois (nbourg for more information about how the IPPICT Project can help your College.

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