Pédagogie Collégiale is the academic journal of the Association québécoise de pédagogie collégiale. As the name of the magazine and its parent organization would suggest, the language of publication is French. But…Pédagogie Collégiale has an IT English secret. The publication has created a wealth of valuable pedagogical information in English and thanks to information technology and the Entente Canada-Québec, this wealth of information is available to members of the Quebec College Network and anyone else at a single click.
Last year, to ensure the best assessment of articles submitted in English to the Editorial Board, we launched an English Editorial Board. This EEB works just like our French Editorial Board but reviews and comments on articles received in English and decides which will be translated into French and published in the magazine. The English Editorial Board allows Anglophones to write and submit articles in their own language, which is always easier, even if the author speaks great French. This process also allows us to interact more easily with our Anglophone colleagues and for all Quebecers to mutually profit from pedagogical developments across the linguistic divide.
Around 3 articles of each issue are translated into English and offered on the AQPC website and on the CDC website within a short time after publication. The choice of these articles is made in keeping with the specific needs of the Anglo community. If we find that there are more than 3 articles which are relevant to Anglo colleagues in an issue, we have them all translated. This principle also works in reverse: if an article is submitted in English and if the Editorial Board accepts it, we get it translated into French. The French version is then published in the magazine, while the original English version is offered on the Web.
Once or twice a year, we organize our articles around a particular theme. When an issue of the magazine contains a theme file, every article of the theme file is translated into English and offered on the same websites. The theme file we published this summer on the integration of ICT in education is currently on our translator’s desk. We’re sure this thematic file based on the works of a team led by Christian Barrette from the Association pour la recherche au collegial (ARC) will be of great interest to Anglophone colleagues. Profweb fans will also be interested in the article on Active Learning and the 21st Century Classroom which we will publish later this year. In the summer, we will publish an article written by several researchers discussing what ICT are best to help disabled students succeed. This article was submitted to us in English, translated into French, will be published in French, and its English original version will be posted on the web.
With the launch of Pédagogie collégiale’s English Editorial Board (EEB), we are hoping to become better known within the Anglophone community.
With the launch of Pédagogie collégiale‘s English Editorial Board (EEB), we are hoping to become better known within the Anglophone community. Last June, we published guidelines to help anglophone colleagues write articles for publication in Pédagogie collégiale. As well, the EEB has proposed a workshop for this June’s AQPC Symposium to help anglo researchers write articles piquing the interests of our journal’s readers. We’re very open to suggestions and are looking for our colleges to benefit from the input of both anglophone and francophone colleagues.
Generally, the most popular types of articles we publish present results from research in education in a format that’s easy to understand by non-researchers, and reports on practices which explain what a teacher or a college did to improve a situation and the outcomes of that solution. We also publish articles in several other categories. Check our website!
The EEB is accepting candidates for membership until January 27.
Our editorial boards, one in French, one in English, work the same way. They look to attract volunteers who are dynamic, curious, know the college community well and are educational professionals. They give generously of their time and read, assess and discuss articles when the Board meets. The EEB meets generally twice a year. If the volume of articles submitted in English increases, more meetings will be required. Do not hesitate to increase our workload!
The EEB is accepting candidates for membership until January 27 for a one year term. Currently, the EEB’s four members are the article’s three authors and Laura King of Cégep André-Laurendeau. Just send us a short text to introduce yourself professionally and tell us what you would like to bring to Pédagogie collégiale. If you have any questions or would like to submit your candidacy, please contact the journal’s editor-in-chief.