Top 5 predictions for 2011 from APOP
Technology is changing, improving, and constantly knocking at your classroom door. And if it is not technology itself, it is the students coming to class with the latest gadget on the market. Learning theories emerging to encompass these changes are reshaping your world. To help you understand these trends and cope with all this change, the APOP team has come up with our top predictions 2011 and some solutions to help you get ahead of the curve.
Prediction 1
Your students’ work will become famous, will be viewed worldwide and will be of great help to other students.
APOP will offer a workshop on how to create a short video clip using cell phones and how to publish it online using YouTube or TeacherTube.
Scene from Heritage College Student Video
Prediction 2
Many teachers will integrate social networking applications as part of their classroom practices.
APOP will present you with workshops on social networking including using Twitter for keeping in touch with students on internships (stages).
Prediction 3
In 2011, you will be exposed to new ideas that will inspire you.
Alec Couros, Professor of educational technology and media at the Faculty of Education, University of Regina is a specialist in trends in education on the national and international stage. He will be with us for a APOP Net Talk on May 4th from 12:00 to 13:30 and to let us in on what is happening currently, what we should expect in the near future, and why this is an exciting time for educators.
For a little sneak preview, see his latest TED talk “Openness, and the Future of Education” on YouTube.
Alec Couros
Prediction 4
You will be interested to come online and share your experiences with a virtual community.
Developing activities for your students that integrate IT in the classroom requires that you put in a lot of time and effort. With each step forward, you feel that you learn and grow and you would like to share your hard-earned gains with other teachers. APOP offers a growing online community for teachers to share and learn.
Prediction 5
ITC in the classroom will be more widespread, more accessible, easier and a lot more fun in 2011.
Frustration can creep in when you feel that you lack the time to keep up with all the new technologies. Sometimes you feel you are alone, it is difficult, and you wish you could turn to a colleague.
APOP Workshop: PowerPoint & SlideShare
APOP will offer you a variety of workshops to help you develop the skills you need. APOP plans to offer workshops in WordPress, ePub, PowerPoint, Outlook, Prezi,to name a few.
With our top 5 predictions, the APOP team wishes you a busy and fruitful 2011, and we look forward to welcoming you for another year of learning and sharing with our virtual community.
If you have any comments or suggestions please contact us at: or use the Comments feature just below.