‘E-CONFERENCE… URonLine!’ :The program is launched and registrations begin!
Here is a reminder of the event’s broad lines and a few high lights of the program.
For this unprecedented conference, APOP has built up a stimulating and diversified program. Some communications will approach IT integration with a broad perspective while other online activities, like interactive workshops and various activities offered in different formats – coffee meetings, round tables, debates, etc. – will bring together participants to share their thoughts and experience.
Major speakers have already confirmed their presence for the opening and closing speeches. For example, let’s mention the presence of:
- Mr. Thierry Karsenti, Université de Montréal Canada Research Professorship on IT and Education and Director of the Inter-University Research Centre on Teacher Training and the Teaching Profession (CRIFPE);
- Ms. France Henri: professor in the Science and Technology Teaching and Research Unit at Université du Québec’s Télé-université and co-author of the book: Apprentissage collaboratif à distance (Collaborative Distance Learning);
- Mr. Zsolt Szigetvari : teacher of Cinema, Video and Communications at Dawson College in Montréal and founder of Zenome.com, a directory of communities of shared practice and online research material;
- Mr. Michel Cartier : professor in the Department of Communications of the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) and consultant in distance learning; founder of the IT Technology Watch Network (French acronym: RVTI);
- Mr. Michel Dumais: columnist and analyst in new technologies for different media, including FORCES magazine, and moderator of the Constellation W3 website;
- Mr. Mark Butorac: Faculty member in the Québec and British Columbia College and University systems, and user of online discussion resources to enhance student learning in distance education, mixed format and traditional in-class courses.
All communications and presentations will talk about one of the e-conference’s three major themes: “The transformation of teaching practices – The social, cultural and educational contribution of IT – The emergence of a community of shared practice”.
The program offers 24 large group presentations and more than 100 interactive workshops in which 15 persons can participate, both in French and English.
Here are a few title examples of very promising communications:
- Science, Technology, and Society: Pedagogical Approaches Used in This Blended Online Humanities Course
- From content to competencies – what happened to the content?
- The Effective Uses of Online Discussions in the Post-Secondary Environment
- Technology to support learning: the experience of the k-12 sector
- Learning skills or learning history? What can new technologies contribute to the debate?
- Integrating IT: Building effective learning centered courses
- Follow-up study at the collegial level of graduates from a student-owned laptop secondary school program
- Two Pedagogical Approaches to Online Teaching
- La communauté de pratique, une structure sociale pour le développement des connaissances
- Principes et pratique de l’encadrement en ligne
- Une collaboration pédagogique en ligne inter-institutionnelle : une réflexion interculturelle sur l’enjeu scientifique en sciences humaines
- Les TIC comme tremplin d’éveil à la consommation responsable
In addition to the regular program, self-service activities will be accessible outside of workshop hours: Exhibitors’ Fair, IT’s showroom, exhibitions, guided ergonomic relaxation breaks, and even a social gathering: “APOP’s BYO Cyberfest!”.
Prerequisites and registration details
The launching of the program marks the beginning of the registration period for the e-conference. In order to participate in this great adventure, you simply need a basic computing system. The required peripherals (webcam, headphones/microphone) will be sent to you prior to the event; they are included in the registration fee. It is strongly recommended to participate to the e-conference from your home. Indeed, the level of connectivity through the bandwidth will be appropriate and moreover, it is a real pleasure to be in our own personal universe, warm and comfortable, simply taking advantage of the benefits that telecommunications tools have to offer!
Configuration requirements for use of the e-conference cyber communications tool
To meet the needs of the e-conference, APOP has chosen a web-based telecommunications tool known as VIA. Although it is very user-friendly, an appropriation of the telecommunications tool is necessary and will be done in two preliminary sessions. These sessions, as well as various online experimentation activities, will be offered throughout the fall.
Organization chart of the communications network
It is strongly recommended to fill out you registration form, available on APOP’s website, as soon as possible, for two principal reasons:
- the allocation of activities is done according to the “first come, first served” rule and their availability in the timetable;
- at last, attractive discounts are offered if you register before November 15.
Once you will be registered, you will have access to the e-conference’s community of shared practice. On its website, you will be able to consult the pre-conference’s program (January 8 and 9, 2007) and all other activities that will take place before, during and after the event. In addition, as of November 16, you will also find on this site YOUR personalized schedule.
Most certainly, with its stimulating and diversified program, with the collaboration and participation of many important figures involved in IT integration, not to mention with its easy- to-use technology, E-CONFERENCE… URonLine! is an adventure not to miss. Let’s register!