April 11, 2007

IT at the Leading Edge of Academic Innovation

This text was initially published by Profweb under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licence, before Eductive was launched.

The programme for the symposium has just been released using the theme of A Culture of Pedagogical Innovation (Une culture d’innovation pédagogique) which closely relates to IT integration in collegial education. The symposium programme reflects the important role that technology is currently playing in academia.

English Workshops are planned!

This year nine of the workshops will either be totally or partially in English or deal with services offered to the Quebec English Community. These titles include the following:

  • 203 A Case Study of Thinking with Models
  • 211 Intégration des TIC et développement d’habiletés métacognitives en anglais, langue seconde
  • 417 Quebec Educational Mathematics and Science Alignment Project (QEMSAP)
  • 516 Apprendre en action
  • 616 Team Teaching in the Virtual World: Montreal and Sept-Îles
  • 702 Interpreting the FCI : Student Characteristics
  • 706 Un textuel pour favoriser l’échange d’information et le soutien pédagogique en anglais
  • 804 L’Entente Canada-Québec et le soutien à l’innovation pédagogique
  • 814 New CCDMD Resources for English Improvement

More than 110 workshops in all are being offered during the symposium. The AQPC is proud to welcome Ms Mariane Frenay, holding the UNESCO Chair of University Pedagogy at the Université catholique de Louvain and Mr Marc Romainville, academic dean of facultés universitaires de Namur. Ms France Garnier of Saut Quantique, Ms Lise St-Pierre of Université de Sherbrooke and Mr François Duranleau, director general of university and college interests at MELS (ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport) are the other speakers.

The symposium programme is already available on the AQPC site at You can register directly on-line, by post, by e-mail or by fax. The symposium is open to anyone interested in academic development and standards in higher education.

Given the theme above, many of the activities revolve around the integration of technology in teaching.

Of course, other subjects are on the programme such as success planning (aide à la réussite), implementing a skills based programme (approche par compétences), learning assessment, continuing education for instructors and collegiate academic research as well as a large variety of academic experimentation within the college system.

This year there will not only be the usual complement of delegates from all the colleges of Quebec, but representation from Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Ontario, the Canadian West and French-speaking countries from around the world. The symposium will again be a place to touch base with colleagues from the collegial community, a time to take stock of new developments and to reflect on the future of our collegial community.

For more information or to register, visit or contact the chairperson of the symposium at 819 371-9277 or fax number 819 371-1265, or e-mail at

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