2011 has truly begun! Now is the time to dive into a new session, and the Profweb team wants to help you meet the challenges that lie before you.
Profweb strives to accurately reflect your academic interests, and we are eagerly awaiting our readers’ submissions of their experiences in IT integration.

Norman Spatz, Émilie Lavery and Philippe Aubé
A Look Back at 2010
First, let’s take a brief look at last year. For Profweb, 2010 was very special. Highlights include the transfer of our administration from MELS to Cegep Limoilou in Quebec City, our fifth anniversary celebration and a visual makeover. The year was also marked by the departure of our three founding members who worked to make Profweb the organization we know today: Françoise Marceau, and recently, Denis Thibault and Lyse Favreau.



Our 2010 editions were filled with accounts of college teachers sharing their experiences in IT integration into teaching and learning. For those who missed it, we strongly suggest reading our January 3 Column which is a retrospective of the fall’s stories.
Looking Forward to 2011
The year 2011 promises to be busy and very interesting! Obviously, the Profweb team has large shoes to fill in replacing Lyse, Denis and Francoise, but the challenge is an exciting one thanks to the wonderful collaboration that has developed between Profweb and our IT Partners.
For the 2011 winter semester, Profweb intends to present a number of interesting topics including a series of three stories about the characteristics of various course management systems beginning January 17 with a look at DECclic.
Other topics such as the use of audio and video, Web 2.0 tools and open source software are also on tap.
Active in the College Network
Profweb wishes to continue to be an active participant in the college network for 2011. The Profweb team will be present at the educational workshops of l’Association des collèges privés du Québec in May and the AQPC Symposium in June. Profweb will also participate in the REPTIC meetings to identify the needs of teachers in IT integration among other reasons.
To Meet Your Needs
If you want to propose topics for a story in Profweb or if you want to share your experiences integrating IT into your teaching or learning, please fill out the story suggestion form. You can also talk to your college’s IT Rep or simply write to us at info@profweb.qc.ca. We look forward to welcoming new members to the ranks of our contributors! Profweb is also looking for authors for reports.
Don’t forget that the Profweb Team can make a presentation about our services in your college. This includes information about the Personal Space for teachers to create a website, a blog, a wiki or an electronic forum.
Profweb invites readers to subscribe to its newsletter ProfwebExpresso to stay abreast of new publications as they appear on the site.
The entire Profweb Team wishes our readers and partners a Happy New Year 2011. During this season of resolutions, Profweb resolves to continue inspiring the college community by publicizing interesting experiences of teachers using IT.
Do you have a topic that you would like to see appear in Profweb this winter? Welcome back!