September 8, 2014

The 34th AQPC Symposium

The AQPC e-filing site provides access to materials distributed in several of the presentations at the annual conference of the AQPC (Association québécoise de pédagogie collégiale). Benoit Bolduc, symposium coordinator for the AQPC, presents the ICT content that users can access and the documents that they can download for free.

AQPC Digital Conference Proceedings and ICT

More than 1,400 people attended the 128 presentations held at the AQPC symposium during June 2014 at Montmorency College. Of these, 35 papers explicitly dealt with the use of ICT for teaching and learning. Here is an overview of these communications, most with hyperlinks that take you to the online documentation prepared by the presenters in French or in English.

Several papers of the 2014 conference proposed technological tricks or documented the use of ICT in class for all teachers. In this regard, we particularly note the following posts:

  • Activity 505, where Sharon Coyle and Patricia Saindon presented collaborative online activities.
  • Activity 418, where Carole Emilie Baddour and Rachel Gendron combined to describe the benefits of Evernote for collaboration between students in a workshop entitled “Experiences with Evernote in Education: A Practical Workshop”.
  • Activity 313, in which Line Raymond and Jean-François Nadeau offered numerous tips to save time through ICT.

The annual AQPC Symposium is also an opportunity to share information about ICT products related to specific disciplines or families. Here are some of the discipline-related ICT resources found in the AQPC electronic repertoire.

For teaching French

  • Nathalie Marier and Audrey Senneville report on their use of Antidote software in French courses ( 514 ).
  • Isabelle Cabot and Marie-Claude Lévesque assess their use of ICT to foster success in French ( 405 ).

For the teaching of Mathematics and Science

  • Eric Gaul provides documentation for his presentation on SAGE software for teaching mathematics at the college level ( 218 ).
  • Gilles Lalonde explains the functioning of his café scientifique and its value for science education ( 312 ).
  • Louise Pellerin and Diane Bergeron recount their experiences with online tools to support student motivation in their remedial math course for health sciences ( 508 ).

For teaching Health Sciences

  • Vivianne Fournier, who also offers a training session on intercultural interaction through the AQPC presents an online course for intercultural training for nurses ( 213 ).
  • A group in a community of practice dealing with realistic clinical simulation reported on the progress of their work. The theoretical foundations of this approach are presented here ( 404 ).

Finally, the 2014 AQPC Symposium contained several particularly innovative ICT achievements from the college network. The following documents are available online from the AQPC:

  • Michel Cloutier, Audrey Corbeil and Orzu Kamolova had a Moodle platform accessible across the college network to promote recognition of acquired skills ( 813 ).
  • Nicole Perreault and Huguette Dupont described the new version of the ICT Profile for College Students ( 417 ), which will appear as an article co-written with their colleague Lorraine Ouellette in the 2014 fall issue of Pédagogie collgéiale.
  • The activity ( 715 ) where Evelyne Abran, Philip Fleming and Isabelle Delisle discussed the design process of the first Cégep à distance MOOC.

In addition to these communications, where documentation is already available, delegates were treated to several other papers outlining experiments or ICT products:

  • The features of the new edition of digital platform from Chenelière Education for the book Pour réussir (305).
  • Applications for smart phones and video games for teaching physical rehabilitation (311).
  • How to use Facebook with Students (314).
  • Designing and implementing an educational online tool (402).
  • To Boldly Go Where No Teacher Has Gone Before … Enabling ESL teachers to deal with multi-level Classrooms (408).
  • The new Profweb interface (409) and (604).
  • A web platform for learning math (513).
  • Transforming Teaching and Leaning Together … at a Distance (516).
  • An ICT tool for communication and management to meet the challenges of accommodation (605).
  • Parallèle: learn physics through play thanks to augmented reality (608).
  • Centre virtuel d’immersion clinique: active and innovative pedagogy in health care (609).
  • Dalit: What Have We Learned from a Web-Based Peer Instruction Application? (612).
  • Cite It! To Teach Students How to Properly Document about Their Sources (711).
  • The techno-pedagogical innovation in active learning classes (714).
  • Incorporate interactive activities with i + Intreactif from Chenelière Education (716).
  • Integrate the tablet into your daily life (717).
  • Active learning and learning assessment (807).
  • New teachers bringing innovative multimedia training tools (815).
  • An tool chest for electronic programs and learning transfer (817).

The AQPC e-filing site is a sharing evolution. Documentation for presentations can still be added to the site. Interested parties are invited to visit regularly. There is even access to hundreds of documents filed from the 2012 and 2013 symposiums to further increase the pleasures of discovery.

Internet users can access even more through the CCDMD website’s video recordings of 26 lectures presented by the AQPC in recent years. Those from the 2014 symposium will soon be online.

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