The Theme of the AQPC’s 2014 Call for Papers: DARE Innovation at the College Level
The AQPC (Association québécoise de pédagogie collégiale) is launching the call for papers for its 34th annual symposium. This event will be held June 3-5 at Collège Montmorency in Laval under the theme of DARE Innovation at the College Level. The deadine for the submission of presentations is January 17, 2014, online at
In our colleges, academic innovators are rethinking their courses, creating new activities, and designing new teaching materials with the objective of having a positive impact on student learning as well as on the professional and personal lives of students. A number of our colleagues are experimenting with new teaching and learning methods and approaches that include international internships, distance or online training, technologies that make it possible to better guide students and support collaboration with them, etc.
The AQPC symposium offers these innovators an opportunity to communicate their vision and disseminate their practices.
IT at the AQPC
As always, the AQPC is counting on Profweb’s readers to make the academic use of technology an important part of the symposium’s offerings.

Online training, active learning classes, collaborative learning, distance tutoring, and diverse iterations of portfolios are among the academic innovations that have either come into being or become more effective through the use of information and communication technology. Distance learning using synchronous communication has made its way into our colleges along with the use of tablets. Pedagogical studies have also been influenced by ICT, as has continuing education for both educators and administrators. The AQPC Symposium is a great platform to communicate successes in these fields and others to the college community!
Innovation, Pleasure and Success

Montgolfière aventure by Catherine Viens from World of Images
While daring is gratifying and a source of motivation, it represents a challenge for individuals and institutions. What initiatives have been taken to implement research results and to support innovative practices and creativity among all members of the academic community, teachers and students alike?
The pleasure derived from innovating and creativity is a key to teacher success and that of our students. Innovators are invited to present the methods that they have used to achieve their goals.
The conference’s steering committee would like to receive proposals for papers from all colleges as well as from universities and schools in Quebec. Submissions in English are encouraged, and there is always a wide selection of workshops in English to attend. The committee also invites partners in education-related networks in Quebec, Canada, and elsewhere in the world to share their experiences and thoughts on these issues as well as on other topics of general interest pertaining to higher education.
Submit your proposal. Hotel accommodation for the event is available at the Sheraton Laval through a link on the AQPC site.